The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I think it would be a mistake to let today pass without recognizing Ketanji Brown Jackson.

What an honor, but at the same time she’s probably looking around like “I have to spend the rest of my life dealing with these lunatics?”


That’s practically all media. It’s become worse in recent years when owning your opponents is more integral to short attention span, sound byte, internet culture. And ceding the slightest concession is akin to being a class traitor, or, even worse, a tone policeman (ACAB).

A lot of this is whatever coarsening, some light comic relief, nobody saying anything important ftmp anywhere kinda stuff. But the upshot is that no one actually learns anything when this is the discourse, because, of course, they already know everything.

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Lol after thirty one years Clarence Thomas finally the oldest dude on the court. Only 20 more years to go!

Blue states are going to have a hard time taking their ball and going home with federal troops up their asses.


This is so depressing. Even if someone found a way to get to Manchin and Sinema to nuke the filibuster and pass the new voting rights act, SCOTUS would just instantly kill it like they did the old VRA.

And normies would probably decide both sides are just being really extreme and need to chill out.

lol misread this as ryan tannehill posting about this and thought wtf?!

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Partition the country.

Probably a good time for this news

No big deal though

If you can’t win within the system, your choices are to accept losing or to try to win outside the system.

the planet we’re living on right now

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Mississippi having airports is the most surprising thing about this tweet


And then what, you lock em up because obviously the only reason they could be flying somewhere is for an abortion, couldn’t be vacation or visiting family or anything like that? This sounds more like “Mississippi legislators openly are morons.”

We’re like 90 days away from highway checkpoints

I’ll take that bet.

bUT KavaNAugh sAiD ThIs wOuLDN’t happen

It’s like reverse Children of Men.