The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

I hope she’s not wrong.

Perhaps. But they are likely the result of decades of three yards and a cloud of dust. Like, say, healthcare. Are we getting close to single payer? Maybe. I could see it within a decade if we maintain a free and fair democracy. But that’s the end result of 3-4 decades of work, a failed attempt to pass healthcare reform under Clinton, a half-measure under Obama, and a continued push since then.

Yup ditto for the war on drugs of course.

Lol, I literally drove through this town on my way to a winery a few weekends ago and was fucking shocked to see that sign. It’s like a tiny shitty downtown area surrounded by mcmansions around the outskirts, seemed like prime real estate for pieces of shit.

The pro life party!

Who’s up first? Hunter Biden? Mittens? Fauci? The Central Park Five?

She’s in the fucking hospital.

Ugh. I want to use my one time, but I think I’ve already used 5 just on RBG alone…

Also, for folks who joked about pulling a Weekend at Bernies with RBG, note how quickly this info came out (especially compared with the Roberts’ incident)

I have a very bad feeling about this. Very.

She dies, they put a 40 year old rapist, alcoholic to the right of Thomas on the court and by a 5-4 margin yup turns out Trump can end mail-in voting and require ID to vote in person by EO.

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This is not an exaggeration: if she dies, it is game over for this country as a functioning democracy.

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For sure, full stop. Trump 2020, 2024, 2028, etc.

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So I should know this but, can Trump nominate a SCOTUS judge after Nov if he loses?

Recent precedent dictates that no justice nominee will be confirmed during an election year.

What are you all so worried about?


Is microbet a Riverman gimmick?

I hope RBG hangs on :muscle:


I’m pretty sure McConnell’s refined argument was that no judicial nominees will be confirmed during an election year where you know there is going to be presidential turnover. (I have a vague recollection of an interview where he specified that, at least.) The argument is that “Lame duck” presidents can’t nominate justices.

Obviously that doesn’t apply in this case because Trump could win the 2020 election.

Edited to make it clear that McConnell’s argument is that lame ducks can’t nominate. Obviously that’s not the law. And obviously it’s complete bullshit. But this is the immediate distinction that he will make as he confirms Amy Coney Barrett to the SC.


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He’s still president until January 20th and Mitch McConnell is Senate Majority Leader until January 3rd regardless of the results of the election.

Yes, they will ram through a 43 year old nutcase if one of the justices dies on Christmas.

So I did some googling and it seems lame duck presidents can nominate judges. I’m a bit confused.
