The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

Trump’s taxes were never ever getting released before the election no matter the outcome. Even if they ruled 9-0, Trump wasn’t gonna say “My bad. Here you go,” and then give them to Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow. And even if he did do all that, it still wouldn’t have changed a single voter’s mind.

But it’s good to have the taxes come out after Trump is president because Biden won’t pardon him when it turns out he committed crimes.

We didn’t need Trump to release his returns. Just for the SC to rule Mazar’s could right? They have already stated they would comply if my memory serves me.

If necessary Biden would pardon Trump to “heal the country.” Trump out of the country or dead or the president by then.

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Good 7 tweet thread.


The lawyers are happy today because the Court reaffirmed that the president is theoretically subject to law. The president cannot invent new legal immunities for himself. Future presidents are on notice. But future presidents are not the immediate problem!

Future presidents won’t invent crazy immunities for the same reason that past presidents did not invent crazy immunities: they did not have lifelong records of financial fraud to conceal. That’s only Trump. Today Trump got the OK to conceal, not forever, but just long enough

Wasn’t Frum the speech writer for the Presidency that tried to invent a “VP isn’t in the Executive or in the Legislature” gambit?

In any case, it’s obvious that the theoretically subject to the law is going to remain theoretical for Republicans. The conservative courts are going to slow roll stuff against Republicans and hustle issues straight to the top so fast people’s heads will spin for Democrats. I’d put up my marker to fast foward to the Biden years and watch the courts work like a well oiled machine while they drag their feet for Trump.


first the Lincoln Project, now David Frum, what is with the rehabilitation of Iraq War cheerleaders? those trash heaps shouldn’t be reposted in any left leaning forum.


I’ll mark you down for ‘lose with the moral high ground’ over ‘win by making some compromises’ then.

I think it might be time to accept that our side needs attack ads, and the GOP has a training program for making people who make attack ads. They were Republicans their whole lives and will go back to being Republicans the day after election day if the GOP will take them back. We know that, but we’re fine with them existing as long as they produce high quality work… which they fucking are.

I’m sorry man, but beating Trump is more important than being pure right now. If you disagree it’s you who isn’t in touch with the situation not us.

I hate 2020 I’m defending Frum on the interwebs. Fuck this year.


It’s important to remind the world that they are partially responsible for the Iraq War. You can continue to ignore this, I assume the second Trump loses you’ll start reminding people that they are soulless ghouls that killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis? I’ll appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks a bunch.

Of course there’s a big chance that most soulless libs go right back to doing things like protecting Obama’s drone war, so you can see why peace-loving people might want to make sure that war crimes don’t get papered over again.

And of course, no one has to post David Frum tweets in this forum, so you’re being pretty disingenuous about my position. Democrats are just Republican-light when it comes to war, so it’s not surprising to see it.

High quality work, lol. A couple of ads that will not reach any voters, they are just there to hoover up money from shitlibs that don’t care about war criminals. The Biden presidency will be contaminated by the same Neocons that Biden himself lied about going to war with. And the Republican-lights will help them. Really disgusting stuff.

It’s very important to beat Trump by posting David Frum tweets in this forum and scolding those who would remind the world that he was a Iraq War cheerleader. Don’t lose sight of the moment by trying to make sure that the same neocons that led us into Iraq (including Joseph Biden, who lied about his involvement as recently as 2020) do not gain power again.

David Frum shouldn’t be allowed to write in polite society. He is a disgusting garbage human that cheerled an illegal war. If you are giving him clicks in 2020, you are dangerously ignorant to history and are part of the problem that is US imperialism.

We can debate (or not) Frum in another thread. In the cited thread he gives a succinct analysis why the loss was something of a win for Trump, contrary to the “leftish” claims of Katyal, and explains why. I agree with his take.


In another take on playing for time, an interesting breakdown of one of the cases we “lost” this week. Obviously the author’s bias shines through, but his reasoning is sound, even if he doesn’t like it.

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Any test that requires a judge to determine “bad faith” is a stupid-ass, meaningless “test.”

This only works if CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc don’t report this like it’s a Trump win, which is exactly what they’re doing.

Neal Katyal: This is a great win for the rule of law and should now move forward quickly because the arguments remaining to him are very limited.

Also Neal Katyal: The Supreme Court had to take this case because no president has ever made such a ridiculous argument before!

I would tend to think that arguing you are a Space King with the immunity of a thousand vaccines would not even appear on the very limited arguments buffet table, but they had to take it this time and just remember that it’s next time that his luck will run out.


Democrats are not absolved either. They are mostly responsible for this shit to begin with which makes the celebration even stranger.

I have less-informed people messaging me about how now we get to see his tax returns, etc and that we won. Obviously we didn’t win as much as they say, but it seems we might be winning the messaging war on this for now.

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What happens when we don’t get the returns though? Some of them will assume we got them and there was nothing there. I’m not sure we get much of anything from a messaging win on this.

yeah, i should have added “for now” to the end of that sentence. In all honesty, it will just be forgotten tomorrow, like the Mueller report, impeachment, and all the other shit.


If it weren’t so depressing I might make a hyperbole post about a mafia boss telling the courts he can’t be charged at all based on the novel legal theory that he’s actually not even a person. The court decides to hear the case, both because the theory has never been tested and because the majority of the court is hand-picked mafioso puppets, mostly the latter. After years of deliberation they rule against him; the court was (nearly) unanimous in stating that a mafia boss is a person and can be charged with a crime. During deliberations, all of the investigators and witnesses were murdered and the evidence destroyed as the kingpin coalesced power and imprisoned the court. It was a great day for the rule of law.



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