The Supreme Court: RIP Literally Everything

In another take on playing for time, an interesting breakdown of one of the cases we “lost” this week. Obviously the author’s bias shines through, but his reasoning is sound, even if he doesn’t like it.

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Any test that requires a judge to determine “bad faith” is a stupid-ass, meaningless “test.”

This only works if CNN, MSNBC, NYT, etc don’t report this like it’s a Trump win, which is exactly what they’re doing.

Neal Katyal: This is a great win for the rule of law and should now move forward quickly because the arguments remaining to him are very limited.

Also Neal Katyal: The Supreme Court had to take this case because no president has ever made such a ridiculous argument before!

I would tend to think that arguing you are a Space King with the immunity of a thousand vaccines would not even appear on the very limited arguments buffet table, but they had to take it this time and just remember that it’s next time that his luck will run out.


Democrats are not absolved either. They are mostly responsible for this shit to begin with which makes the celebration even stranger.

I have less-informed people messaging me about how now we get to see his tax returns, etc and that we won. Obviously we didn’t win as much as they say, but it seems we might be winning the messaging war on this for now.

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What happens when we don’t get the returns though? Some of them will assume we got them and there was nothing there. I’m not sure we get much of anything from a messaging win on this.

yeah, i should have added “for now” to the end of that sentence. In all honesty, it will just be forgotten tomorrow, like the Mueller report, impeachment, and all the other shit.


If it weren’t so depressing I might make a hyperbole post about a mafia boss telling the courts he can’t be charged at all based on the novel legal theory that he’s actually not even a person. The court decides to hear the case, both because the theory has never been tested and because the majority of the court is hand-picked mafioso puppets, mostly the latter. After years of deliberation they rule against him; the court was (nearly) unanimous in stating that a mafia boss is a person and can be charged with a crime. During deliberations, all of the investigators and witnesses were murdered and the evidence destroyed as the kingpin coalesced power and imprisoned the court. It was a great day for the rule of law.



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That’s a good edit.


Checked out the old Trump forum I posted on. 100% of them see this as a win for Trump and are laughing at the left being mad about it. I’m sure it’s the same on Chiefsplanet and twitter.

As has been said we basically don’t have any real oversight while we have a conservative supreme court. The conservatives will ALWAYS punt shit until after elections. The next time an authoritarian conservative president is sued in court for any reason it will be the same.

After Biden packing the court needs to be a top 5 issue for everyone on the left, and I think if the messaging is good we can get most people on the left to agree because even our centrists who don’t want to help poor people won’t have to actually give anything up for this so they will be all in too.

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Where is the narrator to tell us the supreme court heard the appeal. Unless of course Biden wins.

Honestly if Trump wins this shit probably gets punted for another 4 years even though it wouldn’t matter at all. Especially when there is a 6-3 conservative court.

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McGirt case just feels weird to me because the winner is a child rapist.

I get that the larger issue has essentially nothing to do with that and McGirt can still get got for federal crimes.

Still feels weird though.


Frum is attacking from the left. He’s being insincere and opportunistic, but he’s coming from the left. His point, sincere or not, “lol lawbros”, is well taken though.

And yeah, right or wrong, left or right, Frum et al should be dragged every time they get mentioned in any context.


The voters won’t care or even understand what is in the tax returns anyway. Anyone who supports Trump will rationalize that everyone cheats and you’re a sucker not to cheat and if he’s not that rich, they’ll think he’s a genius for living like a king on other people’s money.

Maybe there’s a tiny chance he goes to prison over them some day, but not likely. Maybe a big fine and he dies broke, but still living like a king on other people’s money.

I’d rather Trump die a free broke man and be shunned than go to prison wealthy.

Like, even if there’s solid evidence of him selling national defense secrets to the russians for personal gain, his supporters won’t turn on him. It’s kinda mind-boggling.

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We aren’t trying to flip supporters. It’s about pushing undecideds at the margins who are largely low-information button mashers disproportionately affected by last-minute, sensational news blurbs. Let me spell it out even more definitively: these are people who don’t actually read the news and maybe not at all. They absorb it through social networks, radio sound bytes, supermarket headlines, and all of the other dumbest ways you could possibly choose to be informed. They are the ones that “heard things” about a new investigation into Hillary and probably decided the election. They’re the same people who believe stories like a guy went to a party and woke up in a bathtub of ice sans kidneys holding a burner phone and a note that read “Call 9-1-1.” Pushing them in our favor by a half or even quarter of a point can have outsized and asymmetrical effects.

And like, despite all of that, I would argue it’s not even the main point. A career criminal has almost surely committed hundreds of millions of dollars (minimum) of tax fraud, money laundering, RICO violations, human trafficking, bribery, distortion, and who knows what else. I would never–not in a million years nor for any reason–back off an aggressive attempt to serve that person the fat dick of justice.


We’re four months away from the election.

Let’s say his tax returns are released to Congress. How much time do they spend figuring out what Trump’s accountants did, then chasing down the leads they find? And if they do impeach him again in three months, what’s the Senate going to do?

With record-breaking unemployment, homelessness, and disease (aka “so much winning”), every minute they spend on the tax returns feeds the TDS argument, and as has already been pointed out, people supporting Trump aren’t going to suddenly say “huh, I guess he’s a bad dude after all.” They know he is a total shit, but they like how he makes them feel (or they make money off of him).

I am completely happy with him sweating impending indictments and, should he win again, impeachment with Democrats in control of both chambers.