THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Eh. Victor triggers a lot of toxicity in a lot of people. I know he triggers the shit in me. He’s a highly effective troll. Credit where credit is due.

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I’ll never understand why anyone views trolling as redeeming.

The narcissism here is astounding. Nobody cared about your tantrum dude. Like maybe 1 post since then was even related. You made it pretty obvious you had a problem with your inability to admit your mistake followed by your projection but this desperate plea for attention is just pathetic. You realize your posting ITT has exposed you as a fraud right? People who might have previously had some respect for you are probably sitting at home laughing at you right now. Well done. :clap:

Who are you talking about (I would guess Victor) and how can you tell those things? I haven’t seen anyone talking about this “purity” who have been unable to admit their imperfections. Let’s go ahead and ask.

Why exaggerate? It makes this really hard. No one said he’s irredeemable and I don’t even know what you mean by that. The question is whether or not people will support him to be President of the United States. It’s not absurd for your standard for that to be higher than just not irredeemable.

My only response to this for the time being is that I find it offensive and it makes me feel like insulting you, which I don’t think would be very hard to do. (also, I’ve dedicated the last like 12 years of my work life to doing something, have put my hands directly on probably 10000 solar panels, have crawled under houses through fields of cat shit and through 140 degree attics all at great financial cost vs everything else I’ve ever done - so I’ll go ahead and say it’s not just empty sanctimony here at least on climate change. (not sorry about the bragging - I’m broke af, it’s all I got.))


I would ride jet skis with Steyer. He just isn’t allowed to be president

Using your money to try to fight climate change is kinda the opposite of throwing it away imo

Basically everyone I talked too when I canvassed mentioned their kids in regards to Bernie.Either their kids convinced them, or at least tried to.

Good shit lil ones.

I donated again today. Even if we only got a 10% chance to make this country a lil better I’m gonna push until that shit hits 0.


Some of these threads are becoming unreadable.


lol your brain worms have brain worms holy shit

I meant I was mean and abrasive, perhaps even ToXiC, and it maybe gave people the greenlight to also be mean and abrasive to each other. It was self-deprecating.

Good God man.

Speaking of respect, and projection while we’re at it, nobody here is ever gonna respect you again after you came through to gloat on ST about something that should have left you just as crushed so yeah, go nuts, keep digging. You’re closer to the bottom than the top.

It’s weird how all of the Warren Bros are super happy and dunking on Bernie rather than being upset about how things turned out.


I was told they had the exact same policies

It’s not that weird. I came to terms with reality weeks ago. Sorry I’m not holding a fucking wake for the loss of a candidate who I said was drawing dead from the beginning.

hey d10 do u think Liz shoulda endorsed Bernie this past half week?

Yeah no shit. But we still had to do 6 months of performative art where you and goebs and simp pretended to support a progressive agenda.


Not that simp isn’t a big bouge, but I think he’s Bernie>Biden and maybe even voted Bern.

Otherwise, yeah.


Do you think it would have made a difference? What practical benefit does it serve? Do you understand what it means when I said Bernie was drawing dead from the beginning? How about when I said that this forum was already coming up with excuses to pin Bernie’s failure on Warren or whoever else? You’re still clinging to this fantasy that things could’ve been different. You don’t have to agree with what I’m saying but at least understand my point so that I don’t have to keep repeating it.

If you ever supported anything other than virtue signaling you’ve made a massive strategic error. That’s not debatable at this point. So congrats on whatever high ground you think you’ve earned for yourself.

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Bernie crushed Liz by every possible metric. He was one 4-day media cycle away from winning the nom. He was clearly the left’s best chance this cycle. Wtf are you talking about?

You were pretty damn all in on the Bern for a few days there considering your deeply held belief that he never had a chance.