THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Geez, 538’s model is ugly for Bernie. He’s basically done if he doesn’t come out with the most delegates tonight.

It really needs to be relentlessly pounded into people’s heads how awful Biden is, both as a candidate and on policy. He’s miles worse than Hillary.

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So which of the states from today will we see the quickest results starting tonight?

This is a good time to remind everyone that I am a Sanders supporter and voter and that in the last week I watched the “That being said” episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm.

That being said, this is a friendly reminder that regardless of the ultimate candidate or any ratfucking that may occur, it is IMPERATIVE that we vote for the dem nominee in November.

I will be as upset as the next person on this forum if Biden is the nominee.

That being said… I will hold my nose and vote for him as many times as I am legally allowed in November.


But also there is a built in advantage, a privilege if you will, for old white men. So there’s that.

He’s more like Trump. He’s not thoughtful and he has terrible impulses.

I will vote for Biden. But I will no longer judge Trump supporters for choosing their preferred flavor of absolute dogshit.


You’re allowed to vote once and unless I’m confused by the name change, you are in California and it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference who you vote for in November.


I’ll vote for Biden if he’s got the most delegates going in to the convention. Otherwise lol gtfo


Same. I’ll vote down ballot for dems since Mark Kelly has a real shot to take out the trash that is McSally but if Bernie gets screwed I’ll write in myself before I vote for Biden.

Do you have an alternative? Lets assume a ratfucking happens. What is your plan in November?

This is an absolutely terrible idea in Arizona. Thats a state thats actually winable and youll just abstain? Thats fucking insanity. Please reconsider.


I’ll vote for Biden because I’ve said I will and I keep my word. If Biden, Trump, or Bloomberg win I may get a terminal case of giving up on electoral politics.


So this.

I’m not voting for Biden, ever. Sorry if that upsets you but it’s better in the long run to burn the whole fucking thing down.


Maybe for you. But not for the people who people that vote democrat typically care about.

Middle class white men will be just fine in a burn it down scenario. There will be MANY minorities of all types who wont be.


Vote down ballot

How many times do we have to eat shit before it’s time to say enough is enough. Biden is marginally better than Trump but if this is what the Pete/Obama wing of the party and their voters want fuck them all.

Put me in the category of holding my nose and voting for Biden this fall but I’ll be damned if I ever care for a second about this fucking corrupt piece of shit party ever again after this unless there are dramatic changes (there won’t be).

Biden has been and would continue to be a disaster for minorities of all kinds

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Except there is no chance “the systems burns down” in the way you are imagining. It’s just dreamworld stuff. All you will get is greater entrenchment of everything you stand against.