gonna be a fucking funeral tonight
Polls are stupid don’t believe them.
we need some unskewed polls to give me hope
Can’t let polls keep people away from voting. Today pretty much decides it.
The problem is that the polls are just the logical conclusion of what should have been expected in any case. It’s not that the polls make no sense, it’s that they make a kind of sense that you don’t like.
Bernie’s about to drop his pole all over the establishment
Gloom-filled, doomsday posting on Election Day is a 2+2 tradition that has, apparently, migrated here.
Staying positive.
Rly, because on election day 2016 I remember optimism well past the point where things had gone south.
I’m trying but after seeing the PI map I hit snooze and went back to bed for an hour. I feel sick just looking at it.
in the interest of 2+2 tradition can you please go drop a hundo on Biden to be the nominee
maybe but some of the polls are absurd
PI is already swinging back
I dropped 1K on Biden nominee at 1.74 and he’s already back to 1.81, I am claiming credit for this.
1.83 now, I have zero idea why he’s getting longer.
To be clear, the polls are almost certainly wrong (crosstabs had 75% of respondents 45+) but they were nightmare fuel for Sanders regardless imo.
poles → uncucked
Let the record in Betting on Politics show that I’ve been steadfastly advocating buying Biden since he was 15c on PredictIt and I’m not stopping now. HODL.
Really seems like PI overreacted to Biden doing well in SC.
The overreaction, if there is one, is to all the polling that dropped today. SC is irrelevant. Thread:
Nate is a hack.