THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

Pete and Beto got promised they wouldn’t be sent to the Patriot Reeducation Camps, Inc. for this didn’t they.

Where’s the best coverage of this / best way to sweat? I’m hoping to avoid CNN / MSNBC. Currently watching Democracy Now on PBS and it’s pretty good, but dunno how quick their updates will be.

Small victory, if Warren and Bloom aren’t viable in VA at least it waters down Biden’s win. Yes, I’m already in the bargaining phase.

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This guy knows what he’s talking about.


Even if Bernie does poorly tonight, more than half of the South is going tonight and the South is Bernie’s worst area.

It’s been pretty tough living in the UK surrounded by Brexit droolers for the past few years, but thank God I’m not American. Dumbest country on the planet and it’s not remotely close.


Really? I would think he’d net fewer delegates against Bernie the more people that are viable.

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Counterpoint: Brazil

Also Israel and Italy



Italy is a pretty good shout.

I see what you did there, although I think dozens of people ITT missed it.

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Yeah you’re right.

Eh, done being emotionally invested in people not voting against their self interest, IMO, over and over and over again. They have chosen their fate, good luck to them… I’ll be out on the golf course. Have a nice life folks.


All you can do is shout into the void and hope someone hears you. Good news for me is you prove i exist so I appreciate that.

They’re gonna call it immediately imo, but I don’t think that means Bernie is losing everywhere. He’s getting crushed in Deep South type places, he might still do fine out west.

I posted it earlier but the goal needs to be ahead in delegates at the end of tonight. The goal of ending it tonight is over but leading at the end of this is still possible. Lots of good Bernie states to go after this.


Biden will likely have the delegate lead after tonight as a result of CA voting speed and press will run with him being the front runner. Bernie gained like 15% on Hillary in CA in 2016 from the late count of the mail vote. I hope this isn’t the case, but it’s feeling likely.


One guy shouting in the void is on his way to being the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party.

His victory speech shout outs to Corn Pop are going to be legendary.

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Israel at least indicts their openly corrupt right winger.

