THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat

In the last hour Rachel Maddow has said so and the MSNBC chiron was as blatant as it could possibly be about it, but tomorrow the same cast of characters will call this a wild conspiracy theory.

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Progressives had their chance to jump on the Burisma train and try to nuke Biden. I don’t think Hunter Biden did anything illegal, but he’s the sort of failson that we should be holding up as an example of the culture of corruption that we want to dismantle.

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It probably won’t be over today but Bernie’s time as a favorite is over. If I’m Bernie I just go full on anti-Biden negative. So many clips of him being racist, anti-lgbtq, in favor of cutting social security and trade deals that people in MI and PA hate.

So sad that it’s Biden.

Jeremy Scahill looks dead behind the eyes on Democracy Now.


That’s what the Warren people are saying in the other thread.

Luckily both my Coronavirus prep and my sweat-super-Tuesday prep were to stock up on alcohol.

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Come on man. Biden was irrelevant before the money faucet and the intervention of the Baraken. No need to rewrite history.

Biden with that huge momentum guys! Fuck YA Biden 2020! Dozens at his watch party are going wild!


I blame boomers. They’re political suicide bombers.

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I think the most disheartening aspect of how this is playing out is that the establishment Dems are clearly able to play the political game, yet refuse to do so against Trump/Republicans. They only break out the tricks for a liberal uprising.

That’s followed closely by how disheartening it is to see the sheer number of fucking idiots who vote against their interests.


Watch NC, if they don’t call quickly it softens the blow a bit. If they call immediately Bernie’s probably losing everywhere.


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Maybe we can get a 1 in 160 million outter or whatever Bush hit in OH in 2004.

In before they call it immediately.

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Well, not everywhere. If he loses California I may literally cry.

You want Bernie to hack the computers?


I blame myself for caring. I could only imagine being an ignorant know nothing mashing buttons for the old white guy bc he once had a black friend


NC results being held until 8:10 FYI

Biden 1.47 on betfair (dunno what that is in lolmerican odds), Bernie 4.60 (+360)

The reason you think this is some of the tools you think they have are figments of your imagination and you haven’t figured out that they used other tools.

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