THE Super Tuesday Mega-Gameday Sweat


Not saying it’s your fault, just that your post made me consider the ridiculousness of Bernie not riding it out.

I’ve been pondering this and while l think it’s clear that flattening the tax rate had huge impacts on many things, especially social services (and debt) it wouldn’t likely cause the rift between productivity and wages and that rift started 5-7 years before Reagan got into office.


I mean, what’s the point in riding it out once it’s ~impossible to win? It only fractures the party more.

Well, that was unexpected.

Those of you coming to Milwaukee: My office is fairly close to the Fiserv Forum. I would just ask that you keep all fires to a 1 block radius. There are some chemical companies directly to the south, pretty much right across the street. You could raid those for some accelerant.

For real though, Bernie is down by an insignificant number of delegates. If you spend 5% of the time harassing the fellow Bros to vote that you do complaining about this process being rigged, you can still pull this off. Hit up those deplorables, too. I’ll be voting Bernie again in the WI primary.

Way back in 2016, right after the election, I made some post like “lol imagine reading the wiki intro on Modern American Liberalism and thinking oh god that’s horrific” and it was directed towards trumpers but now the same post could be made towards the so called liberal Democrat Party and it’s just too much.

Today they’re like “o hellz yeah we saved the party from somebody who actually wants to do that” and it’s fucking obscene.


Good. But Bernie needs to do more than come out a few points ahead of everyone. The report I’m looking at has him at 364/892. His real opponent is 50% and that’s at 446. It’s only happening if Biden really has a stroke or something, which is possible.

As of right now, that’s what I’m getting at. Compounds. I want to see broken bones jutting through skin.

Metaphorically of course (?)

The worst person you know just made a great point dot jpg

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That means four more years and probably decades of authoritarian right wing rule.

Officially requesting a WAAF badge, though my mentality is mostly YAAF because I’m moving out of the country. To hell with this shit. IMO this election was our last chance to reverse course, and now the US is toast. It was a good run but RIP.

I’m thinking Canada, since I’ll be able to drive when visiting my family/friends still living in the wasteland. Any big reasons to avoid Canada? Surely it will be better than the US for at least another two decades?

Should we make a thread for people considering where to expatriate to?

Unfortunately as much as we like to pretend to be a socialist utopia it is really hard to immigrate here.

I’m not saying there’s no difference, but on the other hand and this is really true, just suggesting that authoritarian right-wing rule is a possible future is not right either. Yes, it can get worse, but perpetual war, the surveillance state and mass incarceration are part of the authoritarian right wing rule that we already have. Surrender to this or it will get worse might not be the best game theory play.



Some of us are unskilled dirtbags with enough poker $ from 2010 to semi-retire but not enough to buy property in Spain to do so. So leaving involves leaving for governments that might be worse but in locations where our privilege is greater.

Mexico and Thailand are on the top of my list, probably Thailand because I can make enough teaching English to cover my bills.

You guys are gonna be putting American families in camps on the border soon.


The shitty thing is our immigration is merit based so all the highly educated rich white dudes will be welcomed but the people who will be really hurt will be denied (unless it gets bad enough they can make a refugee claim!)

People have been making these empty threats for 20 years. I think the only person to actually follow through on a, “Fuck your politics, I’m leaving the country” threat was Madonna.

Oh yeah lotta American refugees trying to get to Canada in the near future.

My sister moved to Singapore after W. When she broke her leg she never even got a bill.