The Raid (on Rebekah Jones's home)

Aka the “Trump Defense”

Polling on shows Florida scientist and COVID-19 whistleblower Rebekah Jones leading Matt Gaetz by 6 points in the general election, with both candidates “ certain ” to win their respective primaries – Jones with 89% of Democratic party support and Gaetz with 69% of Republican party support.

An even worse sign for Gaetz: Only one-third of respondents who voted for Trump in 2020 disapprove of Rebekah Jones, according to the latest poll from Public Policy Polling, one of’s highest rated polling providers.

Among all respondents who voted for Trump in 2020, more than one-third said they do not approve of or are unsure about Matt Gaetz.

Amazing, she’s actually going to parlay this into becoming a member of Congress. Gaetz is a dream opponent for her, he can’t bring up any of her legal issues or weird behaviour because he is worse on both counts. I don’t think her commandeering that emergency messaging system would be a political problem anyway.

I also enjoyed this tidbit:

For minority voters, Gaetz’ approval is an abysmal 2%, regardless of political party. Even among those who are not white and approve of Gaetz, none of them said they would vote for him this November.

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That article is very misleading. There was a single poll from four months ago that had Jones up 6, but 538 still has Gaetz at 99% to win.


Found someone that hates GeoBekah more than ChrisV