The Professional Wrestling Thread

I like Andrade, but that’s a pretty lame Joker.

No Penta or Wardlow or Miro? Weird.

LOL can’t believe that was the winner.

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I was not expecting a new belt that wasn’t the Trios title.

Yeah, I wasn’t expecting the AEW version of the European Championship.

Matches should be good though.

Adam Cole added nothing there.


Why is Christian offering up Jurassic Express to defend in 3-ways all the time?

It’s so obvious who is winning, but KOR would put on an outstanding match with either Tana or Goto.

well I can’t imagine there’s a chance in hell of page or cole v okada cause who the hell would be clamoring for that

it’s gonna be a triple threat isn’t it oh god I guess no punk or bryan really messed this all up but man find something else

Well they’ve handled this about as poorly as possible so far.

They have maybe 7-8 guys who could conceivably win the main belt and none of them were even in the battle royale.

I also hate the format. Releasing 6 wrestlers at once takes away the main cool thing, which is seeing which wrestler will come out every minute. Plus it’s lame when there are a dozen or more wrestlers in the ring at once. I just fast-forwarded through most of it.

I’ve never been much of a Mox fan, don’t really like his style, so I’m not looking forward to these upcoming matches.

On top of all that, they launch a new belt, locking out a bunch of wrestlers who might have made sense as main belt contenders.

TBH, most of the guys in the Atlantic belt picture are guys I’ve been clamoring for to be in TNT belt contention (Black and Pac especially). I guess since they neutered the TNT belt that this one becomes the de facto “Intercontinental” belt for all the best workers.


In conclusion, never ever enjoy anybody doing anything because they always turn out to be scum

Not looking into it, but I guess every single country on the list would not be considered a developed western nation?

Bingo! Not to mention the research she is citing has Ted Nugent on its board. I’ll let you put the pieces together on that one.



Yup. The Undertaker is also a deplorable. Breaks my heart.

But at least X-Pac and Mick Foley are calling Kane on his bullshit.

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Punk and Hangman Page are pretty outspoken for liberal causes.

I basically take the same approach with wrestlers that I do with other professional athletes: Assume they are deplorable unless they give me reason to think otherwise, especially if they are white and male.

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