The Professional Wrestling Thread

so MJF is a heel, but on a promo says a bunch of correct things on him that should be a face vs a heel leader not the other way around so I’m not sure what this is or where it’s supposed to go but that’s wrestling these days everybody just does whatever cause the fans just do whatever themselves.

According to Showbuzz Daily , an average of 1.497 million viewers watched the show on Monday.
so that was RAW this week

For last week’s edition of iMPACT!. An average of 1.6 million viewers tuned in during the show. (not this year obviously )

that main event? a match pitting Velvet Sky & Angelina Love against Taylor Wilde & Gail Kim

(that main was actually a very popular one for them that year I just wanted to make a point)

That is from 2008, how far wrestling has fallen, the premier show is… impact 2008 level watching.

Eh, TV Neilsen ratinga are down all across the board over the last decade. 2008 would have been one of the last years before streaming was adopted culturally

That was probably my favorite Dynamite ever. Even the Jericho stuff, while not good, was oddly entertaining. The first 2 segments were so good that it fueled the rest of the show and the crowd was red hot.

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Oh shit, is this for real?

Well that was vague as shit.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1533117708669173762|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

I like how Tony Khan uses interim champions like boxing and MMA do to create more of a sports feel where titles matter.

I assume the interim champ will be jobbing to Punk when he returns. I’d hate for them to put it back on Hangman only for him to lose again, but I’d love to see a heel turn where this time he uses the belt to beat Punk at All Out in Chicago.

I’d definitely hate seeing Adam Cole with the belt, but that might help the Undisputed Elite break-up angle when Kenny Omega returns.

I know he has an impending bout with Tanahashi, but can they strap a New Japan guy if Punk is out longer than expected? What if he can’t wrestle for six months instead of two to four?

With the business they’ve already done with NJPW, I could definitely see them putting it on Tanahashi, even though it’d be terrible for business.

This was so sloppy from AEW.

  • So on Rampage, CM Punk is injured and he gives an emotional speech about needing to have surgery and taking some time off to recover.
  • During this speech, he is never really clear about what is happening with the title.
  • Later, Jericho says that Punk is relinquishing the title. Up until this point, everything could have made sense.
  • Then, they take that back and say that there will be an interim title. Shouldn’t the commentary team be more aware of what is happening?
  • This idea of an interim belt is stupid in the first place, but even dumber because it went against Punk’s speech of not holding up things and giving chances to the talent in the back. Punk isn’t sacrificing anything and is clearly holding things up by keeping the real belt.
  • And to top it off, they give Jon Moxley a bye into the defacto semifinals for the interim belt. He wasn’t the top ranked guy. He wasn’t even top 3. He was #4. And then they retcon the rankings after Rampage, shooting Mox up to #1 for…beating Daniel Garcia?

It was completely nonsensical to a level normally reserved for WWE.

Also, this is fucking hilarious.


I’m under the impression that they didn’t know how long Punk might be out until just before Rampage started, so they were figuring it out on the fly.

I think Jericho goofed because he assumed they’d do it WWE style, not understanding that the precedent in AEW is to use interim champions.

Interim champions are the norm in non-worked combat sports. Why should pro wrestling be different?

interim is god awful in the ufc tho

jericho obv just said it with having no idea

can they really strap a japanese guy, well they shouldn’t but if the choices are that or jon moxley… I’d strap tanahashi

only guy you can really slide in there credibly right now is bryan and even then he’s been nerfed quite a bit lately and you can’t even do that cause moxley is your top contender and you just had them feud to become teammates

GJGE you morons

also a big lol at tanahashi goto when you already announced punk tanahashi before for that belt at that show

then two weeks to build any feud for the ppv including travel.

how do you **** up the cross over, no punk ,and I do not want to see in any circumstance Jon Moxley vs Tanahashi as your god damn headliner

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Interesting MJF Note

A source at Warner Bros. Discovery confirmed to today that late last week, there was an edict issued to remove MJF from all promotional spots and commercials for AEW programming going forward.

MJF is currently being edited out of any TBS and TNT spots he appears in with different AEW footage replacing him. We are told that the existing spots with MJF have been officially pulled but it’s possible some may still pop up as they transition to the newer spots.

AEW has not referenced MJF since his promo last week on Dynamite, removed his merchandise and stopped following him on social media.

Here is what I expect the CM Punk timeline looks like.

  • Punk is injured at Dynamite on Wednesday.
  • A few hours before Rampage, they find out Punk requires surgery.
  • Punk offers to vacate the title. Khan declines the offer.
  • Khan probably is on the phone to New Japan, since they have to agree with how their workers are used.
  • Punk gives a promo announcing his injury.
  • Khan finalizes his plans with New Japan approval.
  • They rush an announcement before Rampage ends.

What if New Japan was only willing to job Tanahashi to Punk, so Goto will go over and lose to someone who is of acceptable stature? Would they accept using one of their guys to put over someone who is not yet an established main eventer?

Kind of want AEW to go Slamboree 98 on us by having MJF win the battle royal disguised as…I guess Penta is the only realistic choice, maybe giving Wardlow a low blow along the way, winning the title, then becoming the heel of the century by beating Punk in his return at All Out in Chicago.

Cody v. MJF main eventing Wrestlemania 2024

I watched 2-3 matches of HIAC, the rest didn’t interest me at all. Just curious if anyone watches it somewhat regularly. The promos they used in the buildup package for Becky were pretty bad (and those are supposedly the best ones), has she jumped the shark? I kinda get the sense that she thinks she’s so big that she can get anything over, but this faux Gaga character is kinda weird.

Tonight’s battle royale to determine Moxley’s opponent will apparently be a Casino Battle Royale with a joker.


This is sloppy so far, but it’s really about the booking.