The Professional Wrestling Thread

weird show, bryan and punk beating jobbers, billy gunn vs sting in a tag match (just like we all wanted), and guy on fire clearly taking brunt of the big spot saying **** it and completing the finish.

He’s going to be out for a few weeks, or at least a sane person with those injuries would take a few weeks off their job falling on their back.


A sane person wouldn’t have those injuries in the first place.

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Missed opportunity not having the Usos enjoying grilled cheese steak burritos while beating Sami.

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Roman Reigns got over after all

Sorry, I barely follow pro wrestling anymore. I just remember Roman getting merciless heat from the crowd

in 2021 wrestling this happened, zack ryder, challenger to TNA championship at the next ppv just went into the NWA ppv to lay out champion Trevor Murdoch and hold up the belt

I could tell something like this happened during the show.

Jfc. Thats how a man his age breaks a hip

This after Hardy was sent home after a match a few days ago

I hope he gets healthy.

He’s had the career trajectory of someone who won’t make it to 55.

Hope he gets the help he needs.

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at this point he’s had so much help–this is just who he is and he’s gotta want to change or it won’t

Couldn’t get myself to read that earlier. I’m sure its amazing.

Kind of surprising after he teased going to AEW but I hope he gets a ton of money.

Dynamite opening with Hangman vs. Danielson and it going at least 30 minutes is pretty great so far.

Excellent shirt choice by Mr. Punk.