The Professional Wrestling Thread

Based on getting called up to SD a week ago people are guessing b fab

I’d be floored if there were only 4 people unvaccinated on the roster.

Reading the comments for this segment was way different than what I expected. People are loving this angle and saying Paige is gonna be a star and already has amazing mic skills. Personally, I thought she was pretty awful and over the top, but maybe has potential bc she isn’t monotone and has some emotion in her voice (and is very attractive obv). About the only thing I agree with the masses on is that Lambert is pretty good.

That being said, I’d assume it’s mostly only fans of this segment who would seek it out and be arsed to comment, so maybe not an accurate representation of the fanbase’s opinion as a whole.

Honestly I haven’t hated it as much as you guys. It’s short, different, and somewhat entertaining. I’m glad they aren’t devoting 20 minutes to it but for what it is it’s fine.

This segment was fire.

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wait, who is the heel and face here

Just glad that “Happy to be here” Punk is dead


Going to Dynamite tonight! I’m expecting one more missed buckshot lariat before he hits it on Kenny at Full Gear. The card on paper tonight seems a little meh which usually means I’m in for a treat.



Cool story after Dynamite: Tony Khan came out and said he had some guests to send us home. First was Cody then Punk who had the biggest pop of the night and then Ruby Soho who cut a great promo. She has deep roots in Indiana so the crowd loved it. Next Cody opened his phone and said that he read a good tweet today from a guy name Joe who found out he is cancer free today. They found Joe in the crowd who came down to 5 minutes worth of Joe chants and then pinned Cody for a quick celebration. Maybe I was fooled but the whole thing seem very authentic and was a super emotional moment.

Great time highly recommend.

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SI has an interview with Kenny Omega

Jim Cornette is kinda old man yelling at clouds but I could listen to him shoot on Vince Russo forever.


Full Gear! This has potential to be an all time show with a 2+ year payoff in Hangman kicking out of a One Winged Angel and hitting the Buckshot Lariat for the 1-2-3. Card looks stacked.

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Rose/Hayter vs Rosa/Shida - This is a buy-in match. Just make people happy here. No reason for FPS. Winners: Thunder Rosa and Hikaru Shida

Pac/Cody vs Andrade/Black - NXT! NXT! NXT! Don’t know if they’re going to have Cody turn heel or debut someone or something else entirely, but there is zero reason for Pac and Cody to win here. Winners: Andrade and Malakai

Bucks/Cole vs Jurassic Express/Christian - Should be fun. I don’t think the Superkliq can eat a loss here and stay credible. Winners: Young Bucks and Adam Cole

Inner Circle vs ATT and Men of the Year - Who cares. I’ll be hitting the bathroom. Winner: My bladder

MJF vs Darby Allin - I think Darby needs the win more, but could see this going either way. Winner: Darby Allin

Punk vs Kingston - Kingston already said that he doesn’t care about winning this match. Punk can’t lose here. Winner: CM Punk

Miro vs Danielson - I know that Miro wasn’t supposed to be here, but I can’t see Bryan being the first challenger for Hangman. Winner: Miro

FTR vs Lucha Bros - Should be another great match. FTR winning the AAA belts was fun, but there’s no reason to end the Lucha Brothers AEW title reign so soon. Winners: Lucha Bros

Tay Conti vs Britt Baker - Tay Conti is a future champion, but it’s too soon. It’s very clear that Thunder Rosa should be the one to dethrone Britt. Winner: Britt Baker

Kenny Omega vs Adam Page - Don’t be stupid, AEW. Winner: Hangman Page


Hangman and the Bucks on Rampage last night was quality story telling.

Sloppy finish, but pretty solid match overall.

Correct result. Good start.

Holy fuck did they just insinuate that Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii are teaming up next week?

Alright - I’m here after finally getting Bleacher Report to work. Lets go!

Green shirt guy has the sickest connections for seats. I’m jealous.