The Professional Wrestling Thread

I haven’t watched wrestling in ages and I popped just watching it from my phone


Oaklahoma athletic commission:


Fun Seth/Becky thing

Looks like I am Cody Rhodes. Who else would have OOT as best Zelda game and OLP as favorite band?

I love that Stone cold has no idea who Our Lady Peace is even though he competed numerous times against a notorious murderer who used their song for his entrance.

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“I’m a sonic guy”

Wtf Stone Cold

I applaud Tony Khan’s commitment to the bit.

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TKO, which was formed with the purchase of WWE last year by Endeavor Group Holdings, filed a prospectus Friday afternoon showing that McMahon may sell up to 8.02 million shares he holds in the company, worth more than $776 million at TKO’s closing price of $96.76 Friday.

I used to wish Vince would hurry up and keel over. Now I kind of want him to live for 30 more years. This new existence he leads must drive him bonkers.

Holy shit. I havent listened to TLF in quite a while but saw they pulled a random Attitude Era PPV so I turned it on.

The Diana Smith book club segment nearly killed me. What a complete psycho that woman is. “I started dating again and met this real nice wrestler.”

You dated another wrestler? The cops kicked you out of your own home so Davey could live there instead?

What a fucking shit show.

I remember Bret Hart - I think in his book - casually mention that he saw her making out with Steve Austin backstage one time. And then he basically shrugged at it and said (paraphrasing), “Nothing I haven’t seen a LOT of from Davey, so…” Obviously Bret wouldn’t have a lot of standing to high-horse about that anyway, given all he’s admitted to.

It is hilarious every time TLF calls up Diana Smith’s book. The underrated trip to the bookshelf is whenever they pick up Hardcore Holly’s book. They’ll play a snippet of his theme song and I’ll immediately start laughing because I know gold is coming. Holly spares no one, bitter with the delusion that he should have been even bigger than he became.

Hardcore “I got an idea! How bout you give me the belt! Then I beat everybody” Holly is the best at being oblvious.

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Do Jack and JP still do this completely on their own?

Theyve been doing this like ten years now.

Hire an editor. Jack’s mic fucking sucks, and the ads that pop up mid setence are a fucking nightmare. At least wait until a thought is finished before you shove an ad in there.

They’ve always credited a producer, TJ Desantis.

Really feels like it was a poorly conceived idea to make Rick Rude the first major challenger to Ultimate Warrior’s WWF Title in 1990.

Let Randy Savage pin Dusty at Mania VI. If you have to do the post-match “get his heat back” thing for Dusty, fine, but Savage goes over, then you set him up as the challenger. It would be fresh, it would be new, and it would probably be a LOT hotter than just doing this retread feud from 1989. And, judging by Mania VII, it would likely be a great match. Warrior goes over in some match where Savage gets a visual pin, Savage goes nuts, the feud continues through Survivor Series, then it follows the same trajectory it did where Savage completely screws over Warrior at the Rumble and sets up the retirement match they did. In the meantime, you don’t have this completely dead-looking SummerSlam main event that makes Warrior look like an even flimsier champion than he needed to be.

I have no sadness for Warrior that his world title run looks pathetic, but it does feel like they hamstrung his title reign pretty badly.

Yah, I know that Warrior was a crap worker and an even crappier person, but I always found the character fascinating and wondered what if? with his title reign.

So basically he’d had only a handful of opponents up to that point: Honky Tonk, Andre, and Rude. Then of course wins the belt off Hogan. Given that you basically have an entire roster of fresh opponents, you go back to a feud with Rude? Why?

From what I saw of the house show circuit while Warrior was champ he worked a lot solo with Randy and Perfect, a bit with DiBiase, a lot with Rude (obviously) and some rando tag matches.

In his entire reign, he had the Summerslam re-match with Rude, the Survivor Series thing where him and Hogan eventually go over in the end and…that’s basically it? A few other Saturday Night Main Event matches and then he drops the belt to Slaughter.

I don’t know how you can conclude that he “just didn’t work” as champion when his only feud in the entire reign is an unnecessary rematch. I guess maybe the #s on the house shows were way down or something? But it would always seem like an unenviable spot trying to follow up the biggest star ever. Anyone would seem like a letdown by comparison.

I guess the thing that was so different in those days compared to now is that you rarely saw the big stars in meaningful solo matches, so it was really something special on the PPVs.

Warrior burst on to the scene in '88 squashing Honky and then wrestles Rude twice in '89 along with Andre. In '90 he wins the belt off Hogan then wrestles Rude again for some reason (with SNME matches vs. DiBiase and another vs Rude (yawn)). '91 he loses the belt to Slaughter at the Rumble, then has the great Wrestlemania match vs. Savage. He misses a full year basically until Summerslam '92 where he rematches Savage, and then he’s gone until '96. I guess he did come back and squash Hunter and maybe there were some other squashes in there, but from '88 to '92 he hardly wrestled anyone!

Savage twice
Rude 3x
and that’s it.

The DiBiase match on SNME was decently rated and given a PPV match, probably could’ve been a solid match. Same with Perfect.

You could’ve given him feuds vs. Savage, DiBiase, and Perfect and probably done good #s.

“If you’ve come down I-95, get off at Exit 9, you end up on Merritt Parkway, you get off at exit 36. Then just find the WWF signs and follow them to the warehouse.” - Sean Mooney in the events center

WTF kind of obscure houses were they running in 1990?!

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Go past the train tracks, BUT NOT TOO FAR, then turn on Old Abandoned dirt road blvd. From there you’ll pass exactly 9 willow trees and a fence with 3 goats behind it names Larry, Mary, and Jebediah. Ask them to unfurl their magic wool and step through the doorway. Then its just 20 miles straight ahead to the arena.

I am from Stamford and the Tough Enough facility was a warehouse next to some railroad tracks so you’re not that far off.

Up until around 2000 you could just walk into the WWF building and get an impromptu tour from the receptionist if she wasn’t busy. Life was different back then.

Sounds more like a Warrior promo to me.