The Professional Wrestling Thread

Fucking brutal.

Two-thirds of the OG Wyatt Family are dead.

Oh boy, cant wait for the #Diedsuddendly ghouls to be all over this one.

Unfortunately this is the first thing that came to mind after his death was announced on X.

Surprised I haven’t seen it already.

Lol this company. Biggest event they’ll ever do and Tony is still letting this shit happen.

This apparently all started when punk told perry not to use real glass for collision, perry mentioned it during his match on the ppv today (didn’t refer to him by name) but yet another wrestler punk has somehow found a fight with out of nowhere. A simple hey dude don’t use real glass on a saturday whatever show shouldn’t turn into backstage drama but punk is always surrounded by backstage drama.

Perry’s match was right before Punk’s

Screenshot 2023-08-27 212843

oh good another story where both sides are completely different and even if one is accurate only sorta true

also they have a “wrestledream” ppv next month… uh

it’s after inoki so njpw guys again I guess

just have a ppv every week of every month and njpw guys cause why not.

Saraya isn’t good but that women’s division has been rough for all sorts of different reasons so whatever.

remember when Wardlow was a thing rip

Both versions look like Punk escalated it unnecessarily.

The more I think about it, the more I think it is likely that Jack Perry is a passive-aggressive little shit who might be unwilling to directly confront Punk, but Punk seems like the kind of guy who would take umbrage at Perry’s “real glass” comment directly at the camera, both because it’s stupid shit that’s bad for the business and because it’s a personal attack, and would go up to Perry and yell at him when he saw him.

Is Miro saying that Punk’s story is fake?

he’s not saying punk’s story is fake, he’s saying whoever said the first thing wasn’t true whoever that was

punk trashed hangman post show because a fan had a pro hangman sign after a show a few weeks ago regardless of what anyone else does he has to fire at people.

Meanwhile Tyrus retires at NWA to EC3, boy did that guy’s career go downhill.

On that NWA show, a faceoff between Vampiro and Violent J. if you thought recreating WCW was bad in other various promotions–how about in 2023 a 51 year old insane clown posse member showdown against 56 year old vampiro (who’s been off and on in mexico basically for the last 15 years and pretty much nobody remembers him if even that sting feud eons ago in wcw).

The story he’s quote-tweeting is what SRS described as CM Punk’s side and tags SRS’s outlet as the source.

Silly decision to put the belt on her as she’s been getting 0 reaction outside of London. Even there, it wasn’t really that big. Sadly, Saraya’s Mom was probably the best worker in that match. She sold that punch well.

I’m not really sure what you can do though, as most of the women are underwhelming. I think Athena is the best they have, but she’s been hidden away on ROH for like a year. Deeb and Rosa are great workers, but injured. Stat is good, but has the TBS belt, everyone else is meh. The division desperately needs Mercedes.

As for Wardlow. Yah, that’s just example #50 of a wrestler getting temporarily way over and then TK having no idea how to book them, then they just fade into obscurity.

That being said, I had low expectations for the show, but I’d say they were slightly exceeded. There were only 1-2 duds, but I’d say MJF/Cole was the only great match. Everything else was good.

My big complaint is that 81k people trusted you to put on a mega card and then you delivered what a card with underwhelming matches and very little build. The Main Event of the “biggest event ever” needed to be something massive like MJF/Punk, but instead we got 2 best friends. They were also holding back matches b/c they stupidly have another PPV booked next week. Miro’s return match could have been a massive deal here and fleshed out this card.

Apparently, Wembley is getting another PPV in August '24. I think that one will struggle to even break 40k attendance.

It’s entirely possible I’ll watch more AEW at some point, but when I take a scan of what’s going on and see that a bunch of the hype is on Adam Cole and The Young Bucks, it’s very easy to make a diagnosis of “okay, they’re still running out the same product I don’t like” and move right along. Insisting on Adam “Main Event” Cole makes it clear that they either don’t have the goods right now or, worse, that they think that they do.

What’s worse is they had a blank slate with Cole, and still did little to advance him as a big name. He had been out injured for quite awhile and people were popping when he came back, but instead of building him up and having him go over in a couple big angles, they just had him win a couple random matches then all of he sudden he “earned” a title shot vs. MJF, and from there we went.

But I agree that the guy doesn’t really feel like a Main Eventer. If it were up to me, the TNT belt would be like a cruiserweight/intercontinental/workers belt. AEW has quite a few smaller guys and I think Adam Cole could credibly be on top of that group of wrestlers.

As for watching more, I don’t think I can do much more than the PPVs and select Dynamites/Collisions that receive a high rating on CageMatch. The Wembley Show was ok, but didn’t give much optimism that the company is headed in the right direction. It was more a collection of random matches with little storyline. I’m interested in MJF/Cole’s tag run, and that’s about it. Women’s division is in shambles, don’t really care about Acclaimed/Billy Gunn trios as it will just be rehashing the “scissor me” stuff. FTR is awesome, but who is there in the tag division? Jericho is non-stop suck. The BCC and their bloody deathmatches are getting old. Was excited about Jay White, but his booking has already been kinda meh. I have no doubt it’ll be the same if/when Ospreay is signed.

Basically the only thing really worth tuning in for is MJF. The tag run and a couple potential feuds should be interesting.

MJF is definitely fantastic in everything I’ve seen. Unfortunately it just feels like there’s no reasonable path to them becoming a company I can be super into, as it’s clear that Tony Khan is happy to lean into all the things that I don’t like, and the company seems even more geared toward operating in a toxic feedback loop with access journalist Dave Meltzer than WWE does.

Since I already subscribe to Peacock independently, it leaves me more able to check in sporadically on WWE’s big shows without issue and take what I can from them. Paying to watch AEW’s PPVs just isn’t happening anytime soon, if ever.

Anyway, I’m as tired of my own complaints about modern wrestling as any number of others likely are of reading them, so I imagine that I’m just going to have very little to contribute to the discussion of the ongoing product.


not a cole fan but If I’m cole I wouldn’t take it

this is the TNT title list
Cody (left to try to be a bigger star)
Brodie (rip)
Sammy (still there kinda just languishing atm)
Darby (sting’s lackey I guess)
Miro (been mostly just sitting at home)
Scorpio Sky (wasn’t on TV over a year, got immediately injured on a very brief return a month ago)
Wardlow (was pushed a bunch but now just sitting at home)
Samoa Joe (except this punk match was all in the midcard)
Hobbs (got the FTW belt that shouldn’t exist but hasn’t done a lot)
Luchasaurus (worthless so they’re just using him as the classic christian henchman role)

even the atlantic title has been better–cassidy is well protected but he sucks.

If you don’t already listen to Cornette’s podcast, I’m sure he mirrors pretty closely your complaints. Re: AEW, he’s a pretty big fan of MJF and FTR, possibly a few others, but by and large blasts most of the shows. I like the product slightly more than that, but not enough to be a regular weekly viewer. Just following enough so that I’m not lost when the PPVs roll around (which are usually anywhere from good to great, with the exception of 1 this year). I wish TK would give up a lot of the booking control, but that doesn’t look like it’s happening anytime soon. Bret Hart allegedly offered to be a road agent for AEW, but was turned down. That about sums it up. I guess he’s not one of TK’s guys.

It’s not really about if he’d take it or not. In my hypothetical scenario, I would promise top of the heap of the secondary belt, take it or leave it. I doubt he’d ever be a main eventer in WWE either so it’s either this or go the indy route, if he absolutely has to be a main event guy.

I think he’d be in the group that could occasionally be built up to title shots on non-PPVs (guys like Andrade, Hobbs, etc.), but I don’t think he should ever be main eventing a PPV when you only have 5-6 of them a year.

Corny isn’t in my podcast subscriptions, but his podcast frequently turns up in my YT recs and I always enjoy it when I click. It was Brian Last who finally satisfied my many questions about Big Dave’s inflated match ratings that would seem to suggest the absurd conclusion that here and now we are receiving the greatest wrestling in history. Instead, it makes sense that it’s dishonesty in the name of his own relevance. Long listen below, but a very satisfying one for me.


Before I add another 'cast to an already-way-too-long list of ones that I can never seem to get to, how good is Cornette’s, really? I’ve been watching old Dark Side of the Ring eps on Hulu, and he pops up in them here and there, and he seems to have forgotten more than I can remember about the “old days,” which is the only thing about wrestling that interests me. I have no idea what’s going on now and don’t care to and will never watch again as long as the McMahons are involved in any way, but I digress.

Is in mainly just “shoot” type interviews with current stars? Or is he pulling the old timers and talking about the good bad old days when territories still existed and Vince McMahon did not?

(ETA: Also, I don’t know too much about Tony Khan, other than what I have heard of him from listening to his guest spots on local Florida shit like his interviews with Dan Lebatard and the like. He has always come across as a failson Trump Jr. type to me, except he doesn’t seem to live completely in the shadow of his father like little Don and seems to be free to run shit into the ground on his own. I haven’t seen much AEW so can’t comment intelligently on the product.)

Well I typed that post before seeing LKJ’s response. I guess I could just go see for myself. I did not know he posted them to youtoob