The Professional Wrestling Thread

well it’s not unheard of for wrestlers to go hang out with pals backstage even if in different companies even just recently apparently ricky starks was at the rumble but clearly punk just showed up on his own and they didn’t want him there. Which everyone knew.

The talented guy is crazy you say? I’m SHOCKED at such a thing.

It’s uncanny how many things he gets involved in while still believing he’s never done anything wrong.

The story is that he went after having WWE personnel on his flight to Chicago. I’m not sure if it was suggested he could drop by or if he just did it completely on a whim without telling anyone.

oh well then he met pals they said to hang out he did nobody really cared but vince was like lol no gtfo

which we all knew he’d do but whatever, punk just does what he does

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Im sure its standard but asking for reinstatement always makes me do a double take

why does keith lee now look like he’s 58 not 38?

there was a brief time some people thought that guy could be something but nope

Who would buy this shirt?

I mean the guy has a pretty cool moveset for his size and can be pretty solid on the mic. AEW has basically tried nothing with him apart from the tag run. I don’t know why he wasn’t built up as a singles guy and would’ve been a great feud for Wardlow in his initial belt run. There are a dozen or more guys like this who they just do nothing with or are a meaningless part of a faction that should’ve been pushed to upper mid card or maybe even main event. This is why I gave up on watching AEW regularly since the last PPV.

The Main Event picture is already a joke bc they don’t really build up any singles guys. It’s MJF, Mox, and Danielson. I can’t wait to see how they screw up Jay White.

I think they’re building up Orange Cassidy to be a future world champion.

Yah he’s about the only guy with any type of sustained singles push other than the handful mentioned above. Everyone else is either active for a bit then goes away or is buried in a faction. Like where did Starks go? Dude was red hot and then nothing. Swerve was looking really interesting after the breakup, then nothing. Wake me if Khan ever gives up the reins.

I’ll tune in for the PPVs though.

He’s feuding with Jay White funnily enough.

I’m not sure who else here recognizes the name Dean Rasmussen.

“Orgasmic ISAAH! I knew you’d come!”

(Moans) I always do, my brotha!

Extended cut of the Firm Deletion match.

Sad that there was no Lake of Reincarnation or Dilapidated Boat.

AEW Event in Wembley has already sold 60k+ tickets. That’s pretty massive. Should just announce Punk so they can guarantee a sellout.

Also Dynamite has a PPV quality card this week so is probably worth tuning in.

Collision theme song by Elton John.

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This is long.

Really long.

Super eyepatch wolf, a youtuber you should watch, put out a feature length breakdown of the career of Roman Reigns, the art of wrestling, and the reason why we love it despite its many many many flaws. You should watch this.


He’s the best. Other videos of his that are great even if you don’t care about the subject:

*Influencer Courses Are Garbage (Fun fact, he also does occasional indie wrestling work as the character he makes up in this video, Lesly Bestingon, a social media influencer.)
*Riverdale:The Show that went completely insane
*Buying a PC with Dell
*Space Jam 2 is a Lie
*The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics
*Villians in Wrestling
*The Bizarre World of Fake Martial Artists
*The Undertaker
*The Fall of The Simpsons

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