The Professional Wrestling Thread

No issue with the participants, but I just have an irrational hatred for big tag matches.

The setup was also pretty hilarious. Brilliant idea from Christian to propose a match to reduce his team’s title equity. Maybe it’s all part of his eventual heel turn.

Just got tickets for AEW Dynamite on July 27. Looking forward to it.

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How good are your seats?

Apparently 4 rows up from the floor. Buddy of mine ordered them; I said I’d take whatever was available.

at this stage of his career he’s just a guy–he got old (42, well that’s not that old these days I guess but man wwe tossed some stars out at about then in the old days) so he can’t move like he used to either

he would’ve been some years ago when he was hot on the indie scene but now it’s just meh and he’ll be forgotten like everyone else kahn signs and then forgets he has

I’d say christian’s been disappointing (he’s always been a way better heel and he just has nothing to do) but jericho’s been straight up awful, he’s still one of the top 3 names they have, can still talk if he has to but man this has been a rough run for him.

maki itoh again? jeez

So Netflix is shooting a documentary series on Ohio Valley Wrestling

Can’t wait to see it

WTF can we not do this please?

It was a worked chair and apparently he hit him in the chest anyway. Great camera work to make it look real.

I’m more concerned about this guy:

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Uh, no.

And worked chair only means that the rivets are removed/broken. It’s still a chair and still hurts.

Should have used this chair:

When they announced the match, I figured that exact spot was coming, but I was wondering how they were gonna do the chair shot since I thought direct head shots were done, but I guess not.

Also the cage was basically a pointless gimmick and hardly came into play.

I’m a bit more optimistic about the DoN card now that Wardlow/MJF is on.

I would break it down like this:

Super excited

Could be good
Tag 3-way (Jurassic/Hobbs-Starks/Swerve-Lee)
House of Black/Death Triangle
Cole/Samoa Joe
Hardys/Bucks (wrestling probably won’t be great, but Hardy’s been doing crazy shit on free TV, so I cringe to think what he’s got planned for this)

Jade/Anna Jay
Baker/Soho or Stat

I think that’s everything apart from Hookhausen on the pre-show.

Couple things in the past few weeks that confused me:

-Women’s division could use fresh blood, but they put Baker over Toni Storm. Baker’s matches all suck.
-TNT title pic looks like yet another iteration of Sammy/Scorpio. I don’t get why they don’t use someone like Lee or Aleister Black to freshen up the TNT title pic. Personally, I think they’ve completely wasted Black and don’t really care about this House of Black stuff and he seems like the perfect guy as a TNT competitor. He’s great, but not quite main event level.
-I don’t really like the general idea of everyone needing to be in a faction. It smacks of WCW when it was dying. It also leads to dumb faction v. faction angles which are usually among my least favorite angles AEW does. And instead of freeing up wrestlers for more interesting 1v1 programs, they’re all stuck in these stupid faction feuds.

Pretty much how I feel, though I’d move the bottom two of your “could be good” into meh territory.

Won’t be around for it live, but I’ll check out your “super excited” matches and maybe some others on Monday.

The cage functioned to take away the possibility of outside interference. If it wasn’t there, people would be wondering who might run in.

A second ref

I think I just saw Jungle Boy in my hotel.

faction is what tony wants so that’s what tony gets

factions can briefly work for quite some time (ie, the horsemen or even the bullet club in today’s works well enough though it’s a bit stale with the constant turnover) but people have to care and they have to somewhat work together both in and out of the ring. AEW doesn’t have any of this, they’re all disjointed. WWE is also turning some people into factions at this time too which wut. and they wonder why I don’t tune in anymore


Couple more matches confirmed for DoN:

Darby v. O’Reilly (no build, but both are solid wrestlers, so I’m looking forward to it)

Mixed Tag: ATT v. Sammy and Co. (this will be shit, but hopefully Scorpio wins so Sammy/Frankie can no longer challenge for the TNT built and we might get something interesting happening)

Britt v. Soho (the booking for this tournament was a complete cluster. The fans wanted Storm and Statlander, and got neither. Boos were pretty audible when Soho won.)

Acclaimed and Ass Boys are getting over big time, and I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite segments going in AEW now. I think you could easily push Caster towards bigger things, but it seems AEW disagrees. Instead they put over Dante Martin, who brings all the charisma of paint drying, and is another in the camp of athletically impressive acrobat, but matches are never really that great.

That’s too many matches.

Either some matches are going to be awkwardly cut for time or the show is going to go on too long.

Honestly could be both.