The Professional Wrestling Thread

Does anyone listen to Jim Cornette old-man-yells-at-cloud routine hating on AEW?

Also, I guess I gotta get caught up on Impact.

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@LKJ Are you watching current wrestling?

Very little. I was really into NWA Powerrr before it shut down due to the pandemic, actually shelled out money for their first PPV, but unfortunately they haven’t been producing new shows, and talent like Thunder Rosa seems to be transitioning toward AEW. (I didn’t like Ricky Starks in NWA, so I wasn’t sad to see that he had left for AEW also.)

I tried AEW at first and wasn’t really into it. I did tune in recently just to watch Thunder Rosa vs. Serena Deeb because I saw it getting promoted on Twitter, but mostly I haven’t seen much. I wouldn’t be completely opposed to trying again, but I’m having a hard time getting over the feeling that today’s wrestling might have just passed me by; it’s just a fundamentally different art form these days than the one I was so into in the past.

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I get that, although I’m surprised the long term storytelling of AEW doesn’t intrigue you. Im really digging Thunder Rosa and hoping she joins them full time. She made such a big jump in talent from Lucha Underground to now. I can’t bring myself to watch WWE anymore. I treatment of viewers like idiots gets me.

Wait when the fuck did LKJ get here?

You must have missed possibly the best opening post in UP history:


Oh what the fuck?

I was going to say that those two might be the only two liberals in wrestling, but…I’m forced to credit Kevin Nash as well. (Fuck Kevin Nash anyway.)

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Looks like there are a few more scattered around:

Oh, Daniel Bryan too I guess. He’s another. I had forgotten about other comments Sami Zayn has made, yeah he seems to be liberal.

Big Dave has been really outspoken this entire year in trashing Trump. It’s been great to see.

Yeah considering I was never a huge fan of Dave, he is having one of my favorite post wrestling careers ever

I am no expert on campaign finance law, but isn’t Jericho breaking the law here?


Interesting development

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Cornette taking swings at Jericho’s diet? He may want to stick to attacking from a position of strength.

Jericho being a big Trump donor is obviously incredibly disheartening though. Not that I thought of him as some great guy, I could basically tell from reading one of his books that he’s something of a douche, but I still wouldn’t have really predicted him being a MAGA guy.

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