The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I think the idea is that if Mitch had any leverage over someone he would use it relentlessly, whereas even if Chucky had something he could use against someone he’s too much of milquetoast wimp to even use it. And approximately 100% of Republican congress people almost certainly have more skeletons than they can possibly hide in closets.

It’s manufacturing consent. It’s all that the elites know how to do. It’s like hmm ain’t it strange that the entire “serious” media sphere has roughly the same opinions on any issue of importance like Americas role as Imperial hedgemon or the unrestricted rights of corporations. No one is being brainwashed you just don’t rise in those organisations unless you’re a “serious person” and you’re not deemed serious if you don’t already believe in those fundamental assumptions.



Hahaha, exactly. America must be the global pokemon or else evil will triumph.



I used to think that the millennials would rise up and wipe us all out because of subliminal messaging in Pokémon. Little did I know it was really the howdy doody generation destined to kill us all.

Yes clearly the guy who gets on national TV once a month to announce he’s not voting for a bill everyone else in his party is voting for hates the spotlight


This is why you nuke him from orbit. Your leverage is fucking over WV which he seems to genuinely care about. You do that. Milquetoast bullshit being passed right now is fairly useless and co opted anyway by corruption. See: federal paternity leave being hoovered up for benefits companies for easy fees.

Even if we don’t get any bills and just left leaning judges it’s worth it because nuking Manchin accomplishes nothing. His situation is different than everyone elses.

Although if he doesn’t get his shit together about reconciliation, I’m fine with them nuking both bills and laying it at his feet. If he leaves he leaves

once a month you say? whoa what a total showboat compared to checks notes cruz, graham, kennedy, sinema, hawley, romney, warren, etc. he’s on tv defending his no vote because he is being pressured to vote yes.

All of those people also love the spotlight cmon

he was wv governor, so he probably does enjoy his favorable image there, but there’s zero instances i can think off before the biden administration that i can remember him being anywhere near a national tv camera.

compared to average people, yeah he’s likely obsessed with himself. compared to other senators and congresspersons, nah, seems like he prefers staying low key.

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“We tried!”

I strongly suspect this is the correct ruling according to the letter of the law.

It blows my mind that a) Harrah’s Reid hired her and b) they don’t just fire her and replace her with someone who will do their bidding like the Rs did for their tax cuts in 2001.

So what can the Dems do by midterms with infrastructure, immigration, and voting rights all dead? Any issues we can revisit for a small win?

This is all playing out basically exactly how we all thought it would. Next up is a GOP midterm victory followed by Trump winning or “winning” and the beginning of the end.


The super depressing part is when you realize this is on purpose.


Nope. Like literally less than a 1% chance.