The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

This is one area where Trump was good. Just talk shit about them constantly.

Not sure what you deleted Wookie but look at how many people talked shit about Trump before he got elected and then he made them bend to his will. Cruz, Graham, etc.

Trump made them afraid they would be killed by the masses if they didnā€™t go along. No Democrat ever tries to wield that sort of power.

AOC doesnā€™t threaten violence but calls out people all the time. Biden should try it.

right but they were all afraid of losing primaries, here it doesnā€™t mean shit. Dem supporters arenā€™t actually going to lynch anyone, well until AOC commands it anyway.

Nice grunch.

Rā€™s tried to bribe Manchin and he rebuffed them so theyā€™ve given up on it.

This is all so bizarre.

Plus he usually had 52 or 53, so he could afford to lose a vote or two. Huge difference between 50 where you canā€™t lose a single vote, and 53.

That said Schumer does suck.

AOC would have a more effective voice if Cisneros had beat Cellar. Maybe this time?

Itā€™s almost like Manchin isnā€™t a Republican, even if he isnā€™t quite a Democrat.

Dude. I said Biden should call people out like Trump. You said it involved violence. I said AOC calls people out without resorting to violence or threats of violence happening and I donā€™t what you are trying to say now. Da fuk. I never said anything or thought this convo was about the effectiveness of AOC. Biden obviously has a lot more influence and a larger platform to call people out.

MTG doing political .50 cal videos and weā€™re clutching pearls whether calling out people for their dumb shit will cause violence. Iā€™m going back to Phil & Friends show. Second set just started.

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I donā€™t think this will work.

Pretty much the entire Republican party is scared of Trump.

Manchin ainā€™t scared of Biden. Biden going on national TV and calling out Manchin isnā€™t going to cause Manchin to lose a primary or anything. Hell, itā€™ll probably increase his stock in WV.

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Calling people out doesnā€™t do much unless you can attach negative consequences to people who continue to deviate. Those consequences can be violent, but they donā€™t have to be.

I really donā€™t think Manchin is going to run again, dude just wants to be set up for him and his family after he retires. Why would he say heā€™s going to retire if he isnā€™t?

Plus heā€™s going to be a huge dog to win period

Did Manchin say he was retiring?

manchin is already set up for retirement multiple times over. lol at him being bribed over one bill.

Greedy people always want more, and its not one bill, itā€™s certain shit his republican billionaire donors donā€™t want.

Whats your take? These are his sincere beliefs? I guess that could be true.

I think he has actual beliefs and that they at least overlap somewhat with the desires of his donors. I donā€™t believe he is an amoral political mercenary whose vote is simply for sale to highest bidder. I believe there are some things he is stubborn about because thatā€™s what he actually believes. On those issues, he might be more impervious to pressure than the typical politician.

iā€™m not a soul reader, but it seems that manchin is the type of senator who doesnā€™t like the spotlight and certainly hates being made to vote one way or another, or evolve his thinking, like almost every other rich old white guy.