The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

So, how long before the pause is put back in place?

That has to be the endgame here, right?

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Nice, now I’m +25 seconds ahead of you in the game! That’s gotta be worth at least $3.50 in Cheesecoin.


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It took like 90 seconds.

edit: dammit my pony

yeah this seems like a no brainer

so, 25 seconds longer than not voting?

btw, i guess biden administration was right that they probably didn’t have the authority to defend loan forgiveness, ie it would take a more progressive judicial branch to allow it to go through. but there were clear social and electoral benefits to trying to establish the program anyway.

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To be clear, the changes to income-based repayment ceilings and other stuff are good to go even if the forgiveness gets tossed, right? I feel like that’s kind of a big deal, although it’ll get lost in the noise of everything else.

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Legit surprised that this plan gets struck down by the judiciary. Don’t these dudes all have the most useless overpriced degree of all?



nominations or actual appointments?

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Just calling balls and strikes


Would be a great time for Biden to start ignoring court orders. Too bad he doesn’t have the stones to do it.

Dark Brandon, c’mon

Even easier would be for him to just extend the pause a few more years.

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Okay, but what happens when they say that’s illegal too?

Step 3, Profit?

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pausing it forever seems like the obvious choice… make the republicans campaign on starting student loan payments…