The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Legalize weed in October to get over 50%!


Honestly the for fun conspiracy theory that Biden supposedly getting Covid was actually just to keep him cooped up titrating his doses of adderal and the like probably has a non-zero chance of being real. Even I can see that he is doing a lot better recently.

The more likely scenario is that the Biden team and the Dems in general saw the dismal poll numbers and decided they had to shift course for the time being.

If this has been possible for Biden all along where the fuck was it the last 3 years.


I have to wonder if some of the delay was strategic.

Conservative politics is 100% reactionary lunacy right now. Maybe they intentionally waited until midterms.

Whether intentional or not their polling being so bad a couple months back has had a positive outcome. I was thinking today how lucky we are the polling bottomed out over the summer and not anytime between now and November.

Thats all its ever fucking needed. Every dem running for anything should have a professional tweet person on their staff snd not some 60 yesr old boomer


Tbf. I think she needs more credit that.

For each of these tweets. Shes needs to do more than just come up with a sick burn, she also has to

  • negotiate for approval with a bunch of boomer dinosaurs
  • understand and be exactly on political message
  • strike exactly the right kind of folksy ā€œwill you just shut up manā€ energy that biden can get away with

Working hard, thank you!

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I really do think that are cycling his stimmys to coincide with important appearances

Is this even controversial? I drink my coffee when I need a chemical energy burst for work. Iā€™m not going to hold it against a 400 year old.




But weā€™ve been assured numerous times that doing popular policy doesnā€™t work. Weird.


Those under 30 year olds still have to pokemon go to the polls before it matters.


iā€™m going to train my nephews on some ballot stuffing using minecraft. errrā€¦ at this rate they will prbably just be laughing at me trying to minecraft. :sob:

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weird his approval goes up so much because heā€™s mostly doing the exact same shit, just spicier about it


I hope the Democrats figure out that a great response to the Republicans inevitable, ā€œHeā€™S jUsT bUyInG vOtEs WiTh LoAn FoRgIvEnEsS!!!ā€ is something likeā€¦

ā€œAnd why do you assholes think the wealthy vote Republican, couldnā€™t have something to do with buying their votes with tax cuts, now could it?ā€

Is he though? The first 2 years were pretty forgettable compared to the last 6 months.

He passed two stimulus bills way bigger than the IRA when he first got in office. Think itā€™s a pretty standard stuff, constituents are upset that the incumbent isnā€™t doing X, Y and Z during the lulls in the election cycle then find a reason to come home as the next election approaches. Biden did seem to intentionally save some stuff, like student loan forgiveness, to reinforce that natural effect.

As someone, Iā€™m not sure who, once said, ā€œDonā€™t compare me to the Almighty. Compare me to the alternative.ā€


The biggest apparent change has been to stop bleating about working with Nazis and to start actually confronting then (at least on social media). People like politicians that appear to be FIGHTING for their interests. People hate politicians that appear to be rolling over and maintaining rhe status quo.


Thatā€™s an interesting way of describing the two bills youā€™re referring to. The first bill gave $1,400 stimulus checks, but he had promised $2,000. It also cut unemployment benefits while extending them for six months, and extended a 15% food stamp increase for six months. It also expanded the child tax credit and some similar credits for 2021 only. Thereā€™s also a bunch of one-time covid related stimulus spending, my understanding is most of this does little/nothing long-term.

The second bill was the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill which ended up being pretty damn similar to the Republican infrastructure bill. It was ultimately heavy on roads and bridges and light on infrastructure investment to fight climate change.

So, I would argue that while the American Rescue bill was good, it was one-time help, and that the second bill was good in that we needed an infrastructure upgrade, it was bad in that it mostly aligned with the GOPā€™s view of what that should look like. The Inflation Reduction Act actually addresses some major policy priorities of the Democratic base, spending nearly $400B on climate change.

As a result, I would argue that itā€™s logical to be more excited over the IRA than the first two bills, even though they were financially bigger.