The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Just because your wife wants to visit him doesn’t mean you have to accompany her on every trip.

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I don’t think this is correct. Bipartisan immigration reform was a realistic possibility 15 years ago, and it could be again. The reason immigration restrictionism has become so strong politically is a combination of the high-unemployment economy that existed after the GFC and the right’s ability to conflate immigration as a whole with lax policies on refugees. If we have a high-demand economy for a few years, there are strong constituencies that would support broader high-skilled or family-based immigration.


This policy was way better than expected. Wish it was made into law as I do think there is some vulnerability to a court challenge and do think some of this is likely to be rolled back in the future post Moore v Harper when the Republicans have a greater hold on power and less fear of the voting booth.

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Excuse me?

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shots fired

You can delete it jman, but it was seen. It was a really great example of why the dem’s are losing the working class. Some of whom, as you suddenly remembered, post here.

Members of the working class who are going to vote for Trump because a bunch of college graduates who are buried under a mountain of debt got help can fuck right off. In that same vein members of the white collar class who voted for a republican because the democrats gave the Detroit autoworkers a bailout can also fuck off. Trying to cater to either group is a fool’s errand. Sorry. My original post may have been inartfully worded but the point remains.

Edit: Or to put it another way, do we really think all the NYtimes diner diving pieces from 4 years ago were useful? Because that’s what’s happening here, again.

Neither the CNN article linked nor the post you were replying to mentioned a single thing about carpenters or plumbers or the working class or anybody else voting for Trump.

To be fair it’s being heavily implied as the narrative.

Also to be fair it’s more of RWNJ trying to stir it up as opposed to grass roots.

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This. It’s one of several articles on the same theme that have appeared in the MSM over the past several days. Also the article now seems to have fallen off the CNN main page and I”m having trouble finding it again.

Every person interviewed for the article attended college. Doesn’t say anything about any of them being working class or voting for Trump.

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Debatable IMO.



Yeah clearly that is your big problem. Politics would get on my nerves a lot more if I had to deal with that. Australia has less deplorables in any case but in my social circle, I know exactly one guy who publicly identifies as on the right and he is an old school center-right fiscal conservative, a Romney type. Everyone else I know, family and friends, is somewhere between the center and the left. It means that whatever happens in politics doesn’t really manifest in my life.

Which is not what Wichita wants, he’s concerned about border policy.

i’m slapping 100% of the people that say “black lives splatter” in front of me.

ironically, the odds of someone i’m with saying that are effectively zero.

wtf man. you let that shit slide?

I don’t remember who made the comment that Joe has apparently switched from indica to sativa, seems to be working