The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I literally got -0- stimmy and or unemployment

But if I had a few S-corps laying around I could have

Crazy how much cash rich people got for free

Imagine if they just gave every person 50k the reaction

But give millionaires 350k. No one cares.

it would be so awesome if that account was bidenā€™s real account


Did not see that coming from Garrison. I can only assume he personally knows people struggling with student debt.

After seeing that, Iā€™m thinking I must be on the wrong side of this somehow.


I need a Dark Brandon cartoon where he kills a bunch of recognizable Republicans.

Iā€™m too old to even understand where we are with the Dark Brandon memes. I feel like originally it started ironically with the far left and then centrists used it and it became cringe but I donā€™t even know whatā€™s going on in the memespace anymore. When I was a kid James Burke told me the internet would be anarchy and he was very right about that.

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400 whole families in a year in a half while detaining/deporting record numbers? Come on.


I donā€™t know what the point is in getting mad about immigration because this is not one of those issues where leftist policies are popular and you lack an effective leftist party to implement them. Leftist views on immigration are unpopular and as much as can be furtively done under the radar is as good as it is going to get.

My view is that immigration is an issue that is downstream from stuff like raising minimum wage and universal healthcare. People do not have room in their lives for worrying about less fortunate people when they feel so precarious themselves. You are not going to get anything like the policies you want without social democratic reforms in general happening first. So if this is your pet issue, which I can understand, itā€™s a human rights issue etc, I would seriously suggest tuning out of politics and trying to do something locally to help instead. You have a zero percent chance of any President in the foreseeable future being satisfactory to you. Even Bernie would have been a disappointment.


Could not save said this shit better. I donā€™t say that as a slam dunk but as a sad you are right.

This is something all Dems for whom immigration is their pet issue (like me) should keep in mind.

But Dems also need to recognize they will be hammered as the party of border chaos literally no matter what they do. Obamaā€™s strategy was to open legal pathways to immigration and close illegal ones. He expanded the rate of border deportations and gave a ton more resources to CBP, which swiftly lead to Republicansā€¦nominating Trump. The entire prong of his strategy to secure the border was a complete mistake and the resources and unusual scope of power allocated to CBP were then used to become Trumpā€™s quasi secret police.

Dems starting at Biden should suffocate the beast and impose limiting rules to make CBP less effective, at a very minimum.

Itā€™s bad policy, objectively, to underfund and restrict an agency deliberately to drive down morale and effectiveness, rather than reform the agency altogether. But this is the hand weā€™re forced to play when todayā€™s semi-fascists are on the other side of the aisle. Theyā€™re going to brazenly do the same thing with 20 agencies once DeTrumpis gets in office, whenever that may be.


AOC seems to like Bidenā€™s loan forgiveness order:

Iā€™m not a big fan of the ā€œyou guys donā€™t care about kids in cagesā€ genre of posting, but also the notion that he should just tune out and stop caring about this doesnā€™t sit well with me at all. US immigration policy is thoroughly jacked up and people should be upset about it.

Mixing in ā€˜kids in cagesā€™ with ā€˜deportationsā€™ though is super annoying.


Equivocating what is happening now with what happened under Trump is really underselling the horrors of what happened under Trump.

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I agree with all this except maybe the last line. Bernie would have been better at least but you may be right he would have ultimately been a disappointment. My main point, made in the light of day and sober, is just that there is no real hope on those isses, especially with Biden types at the head of the party.

Iā€™m just generally angry about the state of things like that and blowing off steam.

And yes I agree the student loan thing is pretty good. The reconcilliation bill is at least ok. This has been a good month for Biden. The celebratory mood around here just felt like it was ignoring the fact that we are still doing 80 mph heading for a brick wall and running out of time to avoid it. And this probably wonā€™t be enough to manage it.

Iā€™m sure my ranting was also driven by spending all week with my FIL in Florida who says insane shit like Black Lives Splatter when he sees a black guy crossing the street while being surrounded by Trump super stores and Fuck Your Feelings flags.

I do need to just tune the national shit out and do what I can locally. You are absolutely right about that because the general feeling of hopelessness I feel about these things isnā€™t healthy.


Maybe your wife should start visiting her POS father without you.


I certainly recognize that we are still heading for a brick wall and are maybe drawing to a gutshot straight to avoid it. Maybe itā€™s worse than that and weā€™re drawing to runner runner.

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I do think doing SOMETHING gives us a chance and these things plus Dobbs might matter.

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Ya maybe. He did say last night after arguing about gun control that Trump had gone too far with the most recent scandal and he wasnā€™t voting for him again. Not that I really believe it.

The problem with a lot of my family, and frankly myself before I left home, is they are surrounded by nothing but deplorables and shitty news. Iā€™m not sure there is any saving them but I donā€™t just smile and nod when they say this stuff I at least tell them that isnā€™t ok. They donā€™t know any other people left of Mitt Romney period and thatā€™s the problem.

My wife isnā€™t close to willing to walk away either so itā€™s a calculated decision to grit my teeth and bear it.

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