The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


lol for profit journals are such a racket. get researchers to write articles for free, get referees to review them for free, and then charge ppl $30 a pop to read the articles.



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Universities do your patriotic duty and raise tuition


Man the replies

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They donā€™t have big money and the media behind them either. I donā€™t think the system is rigged per se juat enormously corrupted by the powerful. For obvious reasons progressives canā€™t/wont attempt to wield that power because they are fighting against it.

Why the fuck were PPP loans forgiven? I am just hearing about this bullshit now.

They were designed that way from day 1.

Now do the EIDL loans.

I literally paid $400/mo rent for my pad in grad school. It was a fair value at $400/mo, and itā€™s one reason I left for law school.

The loan amount was largely based on payroll, and forgiveness was also contingent on having maintained payroll. So the idea was that it would keep people employed - in theory it got money to people faster than if they had to apply for unemployment. But in the first round it didnā€™t matter if your business was suffering - you could be humming along at the same levels as before and the government would still ship you 2.5 months of operating expenses gratis, so long as you maintained payroll. The second round required you to show a revenue reduction, but it was relatively minor so many businesses (and therefore business owners) came out way ahead.

It was a presentation to tell us how much better we should be doing. I had to admit the guy knew what he was talking about but unfortunately the talk didnā€™t work on me.

Lol, wut? Who is that person? Does he seriously think that BAā€™s all make more than $125k? Hell, most JDā€™s arenā€™t bringing that in.

Edit: Uggh, Casey from Chuck is a deplorable? I guess heā€™s typecast.

WH version

In the short-term, agencies will work with OSTP to update their public access and data sharing plans by mid-2023. OSTP expects all agencies to have updated public access policies fully implemented by the end of 2025.

So progress by '23, maybe. And if not, end '25 of at least sounds better than by '26.

Yeah itā€™s weird because people seem to be genuinely confused by this like it isnā€™t one of the oldest and most reliable effects we know about human behavior.

Ungrateful or undeserving just means ā€œnot meā€. Monkeys behave similarly.


Yeah there was some great experiment with monkeys and grapes where the monkeys lose their minds if they see other monkeys getting grapes, itā€™s hilarious.

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$10-20,000 does that?

live beetlejuice reaction:

Capped IBR, non-amortizing interest, forgiveness after 10 or 20 years, I think this will have an enormous impact and that is a fair statement. As has already been posted, the $10k top line number is not the lede.