The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’m no economist, but was/wasn’t this predictable? I ask because my accountant predicted it when she helped me with the first PPP forgiveness application.

I’m kind of a dummy but it seemed obvious enough even to me that I moved half of our bond investments to TIPS in the summer of 2020.

it is easy on some privileged situations, e.g. job that lowers living expenses. but it is not really easy if your life hits hardships, like kids/medical/job stagnation. my guess is that many do delay having kids or getting married or buying a house due to a massive debt bill. it can definitely make a person choose suboptimal employment, in the sense that they dislike their choices later in life.

Agreed. The current Democratic party is not the vehicle for progressive goals. Progressive goals need a new party and a more radical shake up.

They just keep coming. Noted crypto scam endorser Doug Polk has thoughts.

The Democratic Party is the best vehicle for advancing progressive goals under the current political system. If you want a new party, go hang out with Andrew Yang.


If we are going to give money to people it should be to the people who most need help, the poorest with low earning power.

(which we will also not do)


I feel like Dems should talk a lot about how this helps women and minorities to troll all the racist, uneducated white men for maximum jimmie-rustling.


Everyone knows that the people that really, truly need the help are billionaires and real estate developers. Let’s not lose sight of the purpose of America.

I’m entertained by the people who say they are virtuous for paying off their loans by living on ramen, having a shit apartment, walking miles to work, and never doing anything fun.

Great argument there! So you’re saying that student loan debt required you to have a shitty life? Sounds good.


I went to a seminar where the speaker described the average grad student living conditions, including a $400 apartment. I wanted to yell out “It’s $450!” but I didn’t.

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Anyway, this sounds good.

Let’s go Brandon.


Not really. It will be probably be better than the alternative, but progressive, well, only in the sense that we can be a slightly less far right theocracy. You just said progressive really shouldnt hope for progressive policy, they should just shut up and take what the party gives them and vote blue. Thats a way to not be under Republican rule, not a way to make progressive changes.

No, progressives should learn how to negotiate as part of a coalition. This may mean something like getting wins on 20% of what they want and letting the establishment win on the other 80%. It’s on progressives to decide what that 20% looks like. Getting more than 20% is a long-term fight. Progressives need to commit to an intra-party slog over decades rather than hoping to capture the White House. Don’t make the mistake that these third party wannabes make about going for the presidency as the centerpiece of your movement.


i realize that the progressive wing of the dem party is probably less than a plurality right now, but my only advice is to continue to build political power. if that means meme’ing more and trying to act happy about an 8x smaller green deal and PSLF than they wanted, well … yeah … we could get civil climate corp if we keep congress though

I’m still waiting for my StudentAid account to get verified, but thinking ahead a bit. I have $12k of federal loans outstanding and about $35k State. I think I paid about $6k of the federal off in June of 2020 and some more within the past year, but have to double check. Saw some talk about refunds for payments made during the pause. Eagerly waiting for this account to get set up so I can figure out how much of a windfall this is going to be for me.


This is a good first step. Sharing data collected through federally funded grants should be next.

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They don’t get wins on close to 20 percent of what they want. They weren’t event invited to the table on BBB so hard to negotiate.

You are right about what’s happening, just explaining why I care less and less about each election. My contribution to the slog is only pulling the lever for progressives (obviously never voting R, but running a progressive earns the bonus of a vote)

My theory is that progressives don’t get as many wins as they should because they are bad at negotiating and have problems prioritizing.