The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

IT’S IMMORAL TO NOT PAY YOUR DEBTS says the group of imbeciles that elevated a scam artist serially bankrupt carnival barker to messiah status.



There are tons of arguments people are making against loan forgiveness that are complete bullshit, but the one that keeps getting me is something like “why should I pay for a rich college grad’s loans?”

Yes, because tons of college grads are rich. Tons. Maybe all of them. See, when a teenager and their family is rich, they definitely take out tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in college loans. And then as soon as they graduate, they are diving into Scrooge McDuck coin vaults.

Good lord, the trust fund kids are mad that other people are getting a few scraps. Don’t think I’ve ever seen the Acela Belt folks this riled up.


They really do not want a level playing field. Deep in their hearts, I think they all know that on average they would get wrecked in a fair competition. The upper middle class is full of Jared Kushner types that are obviously stupid but are handed plum jobs anyway.

It’s too bad Joe Biden stole the election, because it seemed like Jared was on the verge of solving all the problems Donnie Dumb Dumb assigned him to work on. Remember when Jared was going to fix the Middle East by, like, reading a book? We were so close!



I think Republicans just have much better message discipline. Brandon gives out a tiny slice of what progressives are asking for and every op-ed page goes berserk with the same idiotic talking points.

That one is my favorite because it’s not even remotely plausible. It’s like the “how much does a banana cost?” meme, she’s got no clue how to tell a convincing lie about this.

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I made $200 to upgrade to a 400MB hard drive back in 92. Kids today should pay the same rate. Should be $625,000 for 1TB!!!


40 dollars for crudites and that doesn’t even include the tequila?!?!?!

What is this world coming to? Thanks, Brandon


Finally got onto the student loan website. The 10K almost perfectly wipes out the interest accrued on my loan and Im back to my initial principal I started paying ten years ago.



So in 10 years (including 2.5 on payment pauses now, so lets call it 7.5) I paid 15K dollars, added 10K to my principal and now ten years later I am back where I started, down 15K and only back to start because of a 10K forgiveness.

System aint broken at all


Stop eating so much avocado toast.


I dunno, Avocados are really tasty. Maybe Ill just stop buying school supplies for my kids instead

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let them pull themselves up by their bootstraps imo

Id agree, but I was going to have them eat their boots in lieu of buying food.

Hmmm, choices choices

Republicans have a simpler, more intuitive message.

Hate speech does have it’s benefits.

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Man this is so true


Unfortunately that view seems to be present even amongst the so-called left. (Even the ones that hate the US government!) It was espoused on this forum just 2 days ago, so I’m hoping it doesn’t have a negative impact on the midterms. We might be in trouble though, as even self-professed “progressives” are espousing this view.

I think that if you enroll in the new IDR plan, your loan balance will completely disappear in another 10 years. In addition, any new interest won’t amortize if you are paying less than interest.

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