The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I’ll give some consideration to not financially supporting his primary challenger.

jokes on them, I finished college and am enormously irresponsible


The Department is also proposing a rule to create a new income-driven repayment plan that will substantially reduce future monthly payments for lower- and middle-income borrowers. The proposed rule would protect more income from loan payments. It would cut in half—from 10% to 5% of discretionary income—the amount that borrowers have to pay each month on their undergraduate loans, while borrowers with both undergraduate and graduate loans will pay a weighted average rate. It would also raise the amount of income that is considered nondiscretionary income and therefore protected from repayment.

another questionable claim.

the 2008 period came with a wrinkle, job market for people without college degrees indeed dried up, but job market for people with college degrees recovered a lot faster.

the rest of the thread is lifted verbatim from this very forum, histrionics and all. it’s good to have perspectives on how we fucked up in the 80s, but it is not helpful to coulda woulda shoulda and repeat “trillions in national debt” canard.

LMAO just great natural political instinct.


Someone wake Joe up from his nap. He’s 15 minutes late.

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Biden talking about going to prom for some reason

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What is happening right now.

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ROI on teaching responsibility is in grade school. it’s too late (or much more expensive) in college

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His bodyguard lookin’ THICC.


Biden says this will fully cancel debt for 20 million people

Can’t believe Georgetown let such a luminary go


Need more of this beefcake sidekick nodding in Dark Brandon pressers.

Sour grapes Mitt. Also tax the wealthy more to fund cheaper college for poorer people

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I love how this image is a bad thing. Put a different headline and Joe looks like a fucking legend.

The PS work is terrible though. One hand is literally smaller than the other. The angle of the arms is so unnatural to boot.

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Didn’t look like he was taking questions, but some moron asked him about Mar-a-lago. You can’t make this dumb shit up.

Prolly ponied, but good to re-up for today.


I love the argument that taxpayers are footing the bill for others’ college educations. First, my taxes are already doing that to an extent for in-state public schools. Second, show me from where my taxes are being diverted and maybe I’ll complain.

This all reminds me that my kids are rapidly approaching college age. Fingers crossed that my parents foot the bill. :slight_smile:

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