The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I agree that it doesn’t meet the moment but tbf to them it is a 3 year ACA extension, not just 1 so they were at least smart enough to push the ticking time bomb out past 2024. The article is very poorly written on that point.

Not starting medicare drug negotiations until 2026 and only allowing 10 drugs moving up to 20 by 2028 is pretty lol. I bet DeSantis’s HHS secretary is gonna negotiate super hard with big pharma on the 10 most meaningless drugs they can find.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding but don’t the ACA subsidies go from expiring in 2024 to 2025? Or were they set to expire after this year? If it is the latter obviously that is a lot more important and like you said I may have just not fully understood because of the article I posted making it seem like it was the former.

This is a bit off topic but it is pretty wild to me that we just went through a global pandemic that stretched our health care system to it’s breaking point, killed more than a million people and clearly showed just how broken the current US system is and the best we can do is to basically kick the can down the road a couple more years. I mean it’s better than letting subsidies expire now but the thought of the 2025 US government shaping the next iteration of health care is frankly terrifying.

They were set to expire after this year if they didn’t act. Letters telling people their rates were going to go up were going to come out before the election and fuck the dems even more than they are, so it was pretty big to kick that can down the road.


Winners step up to the pay window.


I truly hate Sinema, what a terrible fraud of a human


Also what is stopping the Mark Cuban drug company from making and selling insulin?

At least you didn’t vote for her like I did.


I’d still vote for her over McSally. Hopefully you get a better option next time.



At the time I had no idea what a horrible set of options that Sinema vs McSally election was.

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I since moved to Utah, so I gotta go with McMuffin over Mike Lee.


She fooled me. Never saw it coming but I wasn’t that familiar with her beyond her quirky public persona. I do think something dramatic happened to her, but no idea what.

She got a taste for lobbyist money


They should get credit for passing a real piece of legislation. I give the Dems a solid C- now. Could even push it to a C/C+ if student loans are adequately addressed.

Grade can’t go higher given the absolute high hard one they gave to the poor following the strong start with COVID relief culminating worth the biggest set back to poor woman’s rights in a half century.

Child tax credit going from wow this probably ends up as permanent to being voted down 97-1 as an amendment is a total disgrace.

Dems also a D at best on public health, which still might come back to bite us all bigly as soon as this winter. Another example where they’ve said fuck them poors.

Obviously also continuing to completely miss the big picture. Courts are going to dismantle the regulatory state and election fairness in the next twelve months and jurassicparknobodycares. Basically barring a miracle turn in information that shows the House in play we are pats the high point for the progressive agenda for the next 50 years.

I guess. Power corrupts or something. Phase transitions are surprising but maybe they shouldn’t be.

The bill is a pretty big win for moderates who don’t want anything to fundamentally change who recognize climate change as a major threat and who aren’t directly threatened or concerned by the potential of decades of conservative rule. So a huge score for iron81.


This is why I can’t go any higher than F+. Democracy reform was the one must pass bill. The only reason they might not get wiped out in the midterms is the 1-2 punch of the Dobbs ruling and red states tripping over their dicks to pass abortion bans with no exceptions.

Just can’t be making any confident proclamations over a 50-year span imo.

I think it’s a little better than that. Not much though, certainly not enough for progressives to start spiking the football.

I’d go higher than F+, mostly because Republicans are tripping over their dicks with this abortion shit.

Is F+ an actual grade anywhere. I always assumed F’s don’t get pluses or minuses. Has anyone given one? Gotten one? Seen one?

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Introducing entirely new letter grades? Sounds like a case of DEMS DELIVERING!