The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

of course he had no idea what he was doing, no context, he just likes taking phone calls from IMPORTANT PEOPLE who want to congratulate him, but still.

This seems to be the take? That said it seems like a stupid stunt but what do I know.

Letting China dictate who the Speaker gets to visit seems very beta.

The most dominant military force in human history who hasn’t won a war in nearly 80 years.


Kosovo, Iraq 1 don’t count?

Don’t forget Grenada and Kent State


this is a pretty level 1 take


The US defeated the Taliban militarily in hours. Iraq twice in weeks. The US is very very good at destroying things. They beat Libya and didn’t suffer a single causality at the hands of the enemy (one F15 had a mechanical failure). The US military is utterly dominant and the fact that people consider other countries a threat is because war hawks want them to.


The battle of Norfolk in Iraq was like the 4th biggest tank battle in history (only behind a few in WW2) and they were Russian tanks and it was 550 v 4 in tank losses. The US has been fully aware of its immense advantage for your entire life.

China is a legitimate threat though. What’s your Amazon purchase history like? People don’t want that interfered with. Most of you aren’t old enough to remember this, but “Made in Taiwan” was extremely common on consumer goods for a long time. China won that war. And of course they buy a lot of stuff too. No one who sells anything in China dares utter the word “Tibet” anymore.

I’m all for her going personally. To hell with Amazon. Maybe they’ll close down Foxconn in retaliation. Nah, they wouldn’t go that far, probably they’ll just block the release of a second tier marvel movie.

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Lots of the worlds semiconductors come from Taiwan, and they’re already in a shortage.

I don’t see where sending Pelosi there should be a big deal. Seems like there should be some compromise available. Snap some pictures of her on a boat in sunglasses drinking something with an umbrella in it and call it a vacation where she happened to meet some leaders. Or have her spend an afternoon in Beijing too. Or leave it off the official schedule and call it a layover. Or just do it and tell China to back channel their military exercise plans to avoid any itchy trigger fingers.

There are ways to let China save a little face here.

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Yeah I think that China’s threat to the US is mostly economic. In addition to the fact that Americans have an insatiable appetite for cheaply made Chinese consumer junk, there’s also the matter of China being a large lender to the US in the form of purchases of US treasuries. China threatening to turn off the loan tap to the US is a pretty substantial threat.

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And that threat works both ways. China has a huge amount of US dollars in China that for the most part must eventually find a way back to the US or they are useless. The US and China are married. China is more dangerous because they do seem to have the potential of taking measures that would be extremely harmful to China. They could think they have a choice between devastating their entire country economically vs the party staying in power and staying in power pretty much always wins when it comes down to that.


Ah ok, so she’s going for a shareholder meeting


Do you think Pelosi’s Taiwan challenge coin will be made in China?


This seems like a galaxy brain take, no idea who this guy is

His fatality slices people’s heads off.


In 2016, he was the Green Party nominee for Vice President of the United States on the ballot in 45 states and received 1,457,216 votes.

But how many votes did he lose?

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