The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Yeah seems she will kill the toothless carried interest provision and Manchin will say no deal, kayfabe complete.

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This has unfortunately been obvious since 5 minutes after they announced the deal. If anyone has any doubt that the entire Democratic leadership is in on it the proof is that they played along with it for the seventh time.

I would love to be wrong obviously.

It seems much more reasonable to believe Dems are in a weak position and lack the power to do much rather than some conspiracy theory about Dems being “in on it”.

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Announcing a deal before they’ve actually whipped the votes for the eleventh time? Come on man. This is just helping Manchin’s image if Sinema blows this up.


I continue to be amazed that believing Democrats are in on it by blocking fiscally progressive legislation that would help the working class and hurt large corporations and the wealthiest Americans qualifies as a conspiracy theory even as Democrats take huge donations from large corporations and the wealthiest Americans, and accomplish ~nothing lasting for the working class.

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I’m a strong believer in applying Hanlon’s razor to politics.

Hanlon’s razor is not only wrong wrt politics, it is maximally incorrect. In order to believe it, you also have to believe that educated elite in positions of extreme power are simply mistaken or ignorant about where billions of dollars are going and coming from and tripping over their own dicks into personal enrichment, repeatedly and for many decades.


I was just listening to On the Media and they said the ERA is ratified in 38 states and all Biden has to do is tell the national librarian to start publishing the Constitution with 28 amendments. The only reason they could give why he hasn’t is fear of a constitutional crisis with SCOTUS. Lol imagine just letting your opponent win every fight for fear of starting a fight.

Biden is the absolute worst. Fuck him so hard. Wow just wow.


Wait, WAT? When did this happen?

Edit: Ok, just looked it up. Looks like 38 was in 2020, but there seems to be some legit question if the last few states to ratify were after the deadline. SCOTUS would slap this down, but he absolutely needs to make them do it.

According to OTM the deadline is totally made up procedural bullshit with no force or effect.

I just skimmed the wikipedia article, and it seems more substantive than that. Moreover, some of the states that initially ratified, have since revoked their ratification (which it’s also not clear that they can do). All of this definitely seems challengeable in court, and given the composition of the SCOTUS, we can guess how it would turn out. Nevertheless, he needs to force them to do it.

Fuck this lying down shit. At least make them beat you.


OTM has been one of my favorite podcasts for a while.

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It would be starting a fight you can’t win unless you’re prepared to kill Supreme Court justices.

Even then, if I were on the Court, I think I would vote that the ERA hasn’t been properly ratified or at least that Biden doesn’t get to say it has been. Ratification deadlines have been the norm for over a century. Dillon v Gloss explicitly upheld ratification deadlines. Coleman v Miller held that Congress gets to decide whether an amendment has been ratified.

Regardless, it’s good politics to make them strike it down even if you think there’s a 100% chance that’s what they’ll do.

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It’s the kind of thing I expect to be struck down 9-0.

Doesn’t matter. Make them do it.

This was Trump’s superpower. He just did shit that you “weren’t supposed to do”. Some of it got slapped down. Some actually stuck. And either way his based loved him for doing it.

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If you’re into doing stuff you’re not supposed to do, I’d rather just see Dems do their own version of January 6.

It’s wrong to take executive actions unless you have a good faith basis that it’s constitutional.

Thank God the opposition party operates by this norm, so there’s no chance they’ll steal our democracy out from under us while we rearrange the deck chairs and pat each other on the back for being so God damn respectful!


There’s enough to talk yourself into good faith on this one. Barely, but enough I think.