The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Child mortality rates were higher a century ago, but overall deathrates were over twice as high in 1900 as they are now. The list of the leading causes of death in 1900 was top heavy with infections and communicable diseases that have largely been wiped out:

In 1900 it was perfectly normal for a 35 year old man to get fatally ill from standing too close to someone, drinking the wrong water or just getting a scrape on the knee. Meanwhile heart attacks and cancer rates have skyrocketed because those people now get to grow old.

Yes, mortality rates across all ages tend to come down over time, with some interesting blips like in the 80s mortality rates for younger men went up noticeably because of the HIV epidemic. Also recently there were some increases in mortality rates for ā€œworking ageā€ adults, I think because of opioid addictions.

Iā€™m sure to make a jackass of myself for talking about life expectancy with an actuary, but from what I can tell it is usually a weird statistic. You woud think it represents the median age at death, but in most instances that I have seen it is described as the"average." Since ā€œage at deathā€ is going to be a left skewed distribution, that means most people will outlive their life expectancy.

I assume from the declining death rates for younger people, that the ā€œage of deathā€ distribution is less left-skewed then it was in 1900. Which would mean that the majority of people who outlived their life epectancy in 1900 did it by more then those who outlive their life expectancy in 2020. But I am not going to run the numbers on that!

Life expectancy is calculated in different ways. Usually demographers donā€™t directly measure age at death and take an average or mean. Instead, mortality rates are measured. So in, say, the year 2000 what actuaries and demographers would have done is looked at what percentage of people in the year died for each age, i.e. youā€™d say ā€œin 2000 the probability of dying if you were 0 years old on January 1 was q_0, the probability of dying if you were 1 year old on January 1 was q_1, ā€¦, the probability of dying if you were 100 years old on January 1 was q_100ā€ and q_100 would be 100% or damned close to it.

So what you hold in your hand isnā€™t necessarily an average of the age at which people died in 2000, but a probably of death for each age. From that you can derive stats like ā€œlife expectancy at birth in 2000ā€ which is the hypothetical average age at death for a hypothetical person that experiences the year 2000 mortality rates in each year. This allows you to convert the observed mortality experience of people in the year 2000 into a life expectancy.

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ā€¦ one of us is an obese piece of shit"


Seems insane

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Lolol what.

itā€™s the lord of war guy right? thatā€™s who they had wanted from the beginningā€¦ itā€™s another classic edem response. because if the US are willing to exchange why wait 150+ days and look like failures.

Yeah, the merchant of death. Weā€™re giving a guy who got that nickname as an arms dealer for one basketball player


Not proud to admit that I just spent entirely too much time reading about this stuff trying to figure it out. Apropos of nothing, the CDC detailed cause of death tables are a fascinating time wastter. Did you know that in 2016 22 people died of Spotted Fever and one person somehow died of glaucoma?

They also now publish life expectancy projections by census tract, looks like I can buy myself five more years by moving accross the street.

The obvious whataboutism will be the golfers going to LIV.

Is letting this guy out really going to affect global arms trafficking in any way? If symbolism and virtue signaling are that important, then bringing home a black, American woman is pretty important also.

This is what happens when you push hard from the left without regard for the consequences. The main argument in favor of pulling all the stops to get her back was Biden is racist because he would have gotten Lebron back faster.

The deal I heard about was one additional American would come back.

LOL god i can almost hear the biden convo here

ā€œwhat can we give this fella for that gal, itā€™s got people pretty worked up, plus sheā€™s a darkie, thatā€™ll help my numbers, right?ā€

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More coverage from WSJ

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pro move would be to secretly inject the russian guy with some slow-acting poison so he dies about a month after the deal


Some of you are getting way too high on your own supply.

Biden sucks bad enough without inventing hypothetical conversations.

that was almost certainly the calculation, though

It was for corporate welfare but apparently they stuck it to Mitch (just a litttle) for a change.

Everyone outlives their life expectancy because of quantum immortality.

Seems like the humane and compassionate thing to do to me.