The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The Dems won because orange man bad and a bit of luck with COVID.

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Yes I agree with that. But orange man bad plus 4 years of perceived failure does not seem like a winning cocktail.

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The reality is that the life experience of establishment Dems has led them to believe that Dems get punished whenever they’re too liberal. Their minds aren’t going to be changed until progressives actually win things and they’re going to work against progressives being in a position to win things because they genuinely believe that’s what’s best for winning and maintaining a Democratic majority.

So you agree that Dems will get slaughtered in the next two elections?

I have the winner of the next Pres election as Biden 40%, Trump 20%, other D 10%, other R 30%.

Biden at +800 on betfair which makes it insanely +EV for you (Trump +300, DeSantis +420)

It’s insane how none of these assholes ever die!

Everyone in charge is so fucking old. 89 year old Diane Feinstein, 87 year old Chuck Grassley, 79 year old Joe Biden, 80+ year old Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn. FUCKING DIE ALREADY

The Democratic Party is so old that if Kamala Harris (who is often seen as part of a “new generation”) took over the presidency immediately after the midterms, she would be the 14th oldest to be inaugurated.


A fun fact I found while looking for that info: No president has ever died in May.

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A lot of that is due to life expectancy being under 50 in the US in 1900. Blame science.

6 of the first 8 presidents lived until the age of 78.

Yeah shorter life expectancy in the early 1900s was driven quite a bit by infant mortality and the high risk of death while working industrial jobs. The life expectancy for a 40+ year old politician would have been lower than today, but recognizable.

Here’s an interesting stat for people that are interested in life expectancy - in 1950 life expectancy was about 65 but life expectancy for a 65 year old was about 13. So when life expectancy is 65 (or 60 or 50) that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of elderly people. If you avoided dying as a baby or getting killed on the job, you expected to have a decade+ of retirement.

They probably did. The problem is that it wasn’t the same someone.

It’s easy to forget but the media legit went all in to stop Bernie. It was a complete embarrassment.

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Biden could make up for a lot of his shortcomings if he’d start trolling trump directly. Challenge him to a bike race, make fun of his tiny little toy Lear jet, etc

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Echo Obama at the Correspondents’ Dinner: Ask him where Biggie and Tupac are.

Do what now?


It’s easy to forget but the media legit went all in to stop Bernie. It was a complete embarrassment.

They also went all in to stop Trump, but he still got the nomination and then elected. If the voting democrats are that stupid - waaf.

nah they were addicted to the ratings

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