The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

It’s only missing Joe Biden eating an ice cream cone.

I don’t see the argument why anyone should vote in the midterms and in some cases (Cuellar for starters, Feinstein) I would flat out go vote Republican. It’s pretty clear now that nothing is going to change until the Democratic Party is in crisis.

If nothing else,voting to primary the eDem slapdick on the ballot is worth a few minutes of my time.

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What’s great about Feinstein’s last election is that you couldn’t vote Republican. Seriously. The general election was a runoff between two Democrats.

And Feinstein still won, despite Republicans actively voting for her opponent because they think Feinstein is the epitome of liberalism or some shit.

LOL anyone who says CA GOAT.

Oh right. I did know that but had forgotten.

I think the play is voting Republican for any eDem fossil race where the Dem is definitely going to win. Although, do you still have to line up for like 8 hours to vote in the midterms?

Line waiting is ENTIRELY dependent on location.

I’ll give you one guess as to whether diverse urban areas have longer waiting times than rural areas full of white people.

“undermine public trust in institutions like the Supreme Court” The SC’s approval rating is 25%, it’s like the one thing less popular than Biden. Maybe like sitting on a chainsaw polls lower


Given that Senate terms are 6 years, I’d vote for any Dem who is pro-nuking the filibuster.

I’d vote against Cuellar for sure, either third party or Republican. Two years of however much more awful that Republican is is worth the 60-70% shot of Cisneros afterwards. One step backwards to take a huge leap forward.

Yep. Same with court packing. In the recent gun decision the dissent meekly assented to Heller as binding precedent. Heller overturned 220 years of second amendment jurisprudence!

If 100 liberals were added to the court tomorrow they wouldn’t overturn a single decision of the Roberts court.


Cross posted from Supreme Court thread

Too bad we don’t have 51 votes in the Senate to codify Roe

Joe Biden, after days of making sure that the Senate is definitely not under any circumstances suspending the filibuster to codify Roe: “I support suspending the filibuster to codify Roe.”



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Weird how they’re always one vote short!

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I mean they could miraculously hold the House by like 1-2 seats and somehow pick up two in the Senate in November, and suddenly it will turn into “actually I’ve decided that to be responsible, we need to have a commission study the effects of eliminating the filibuster and make a recommendation before we consider starting debate on the first steps to possibly eliminating it under certain circumstances. Anyway here’s the link to donate more $$$, never too early to start voting harder for 2024!”


Looks like President Joe’s twitter got hacked. Wild.

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Boy where was this response from Joe two months ago?

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Had to make sure Sinema and Manchin weren’t going to actually bypass the filibuster first