The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Let’s reintroduce “ultra-MAGA” and see if the kids think it’s hip and groovy this time

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“Do what now?” How about you ask AOC, she had a list of things to put in motion right now. She was prepared for this moment because it’s been inescapably inevitable for months.

And what loser-style equivocation - the child tax credit? Yes, that was very successful now that you mention it, reduced child poverty in the US what, 40%? And you failed to continue it, thanks for the reminder. It reminds me of the extremely effective assault weapons ban from 1994-2004, which you guys let expire because why? Anyway, here’s twelve bucks.


Things are so bad I’m hoping Donald Trump Junior’s girlfriend’s ex-husband runs in 2024.



Its funny, because after this week that might actually happen. How have his odds changed on PI?

She’s not even prepared for the question. Hasn’t even thought about it. Unreal

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“these people expect us to … do something? wtf?”

Presumably she did prep for the interview! That’s trumpian levels of non responsive word salad

There’s no good way to say “we don’t actually know how to get anything done without the cooperation of our sworn enemies”.

she just wakes up every day and bathes in audacity

Even worse, these fuckers dont even consider them sworn enemies. They want to try to work WITH them. The people who hate their constituents to their very core, and they want to try to work with them.

Republicans hate us. All of us. Its very clear from their actions. Trying to work with them is a ludicrous proposition

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i didnt think it was possible to hate kamala more than i already did holy fuck


Just pass a bill codifying row (and Lawrence, and loving, and obergfell) and send it to the senate. Then go on Tv daily asking when the senate is going to do their job. Then pass a slightly different version. Repeat. Bare minimum go on tv and call Clarence Thomas a motherfucker

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No can do. That would be divisive. If Dems did that, who knows how Republicans might respond. They might call Biden a radical Socialist or refuse to vote on common sense legislation or even block a Supreme Court nomination, that would be a disaster!


Do WHAT, huh?

Maybe tell Harris that the R Supreme Court appointees have kids that are missing school, them she’ll try to throw them in jail.


she still is that little girl