The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They didn’t pass any. They passed a bill encouraging states to pass red flag laws. A true profile in courage!

funding, to be more precise

It’s a pretty exclusive gig. Most powerful man in the world in a lot of ways. There haven’t been that many of them. If you’re a politician your whole life, that is the grand prize. There is no way to turn that off.

And after he is done he’ll be able to make so much easy money that the mid city council member’s net worth will look like chump change.

Fucking horseshit. Maybe im wrong but I seem to recall him mebtioning packing the courts in the run up to November.

But then he put together a committee and they whispered their findings of “No expansion”

You misheard him. He mentioned packing at the courts. As in he’d make sure there would be people packing at the courts. Armed guards to be exact. To protect the R justices.

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God damn these old man ears

Not for long, though


Why would a politician want to be President is a novel topic for discussion.

Biden sometimes sounds like he feels he has a duty to make up for not beating Hillary in 2016.

There have been guys with huge equity who didn’t pursue it. Gore probably could have taken it down in '08. Both Hillary and Obama waited to see what he was going to do before announcing.

Worked out well for him. Dude is rich AF.

I truly think Biden just wants all the other fossils to slurp him. It’s all he has.

Well some variant of that is a large part of the motivation for everyone who pursues it.

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Desantis going after Florida’s largest employer as a pure “Fuck You” spite move with no actual upside for Florida was either one of his most brilliant and savvy political moves, or really really fucking stupid. Really not sure which yet.

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For what it’s worth, the Red Flag laws absolutely save lives. 99 percent of those lives are people who would otherwise have committed suicide (and not school shootings). There’s some good data on the reduction of gun suicide rates in states that have enacted and implemented red flag laws. I mean, it’s not really gun control, but it’s still a good thing.


It could just be Trumpian button mashing. In other words he didn’t actually think it through and went with feels. He just did it, and he’ll probably be fine because nothing matters.

For starters, how about some ice cream?!

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Louis dejoy still has a job

Cool. Bo Burnham is an Unstuck reg.