The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents


Does the stamp come pre-licked?


These days debates are an ancient relic. They were useful when presidents appeared on media less frequently. Now that we have a 24/7 feed to them, they’re more like political sporting events rather than anything that can make you. You have your team and you cheer for them. You look for ways they won because there’s no score to make an objective assessment for you and nobody likes being a fan of a loser.

I mean if you look at the first presidential debates, they had moments where people failed. Nixon sweating, Ford denying Soviet dominance in the East and Dukakis’s answer about the death penalty all arguably cost them the election.

But really, when was the last time that actually happened? Even Trump’s horrid performance against Clinton did little to prevent his wins when it should have disqualified him completely. Why? Because we get more exposure to political news in one month than people in the 1960s had in one decade. Debates are blips on the radar along with the myriad of tweets and youtube videos that encompass a person’s profile over years of exposure. Because of that prolonged exposure, they get reduced to a game rather than an important event.

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I don’t approve of stamps of presidents or First Ladies, but definitely one for the throat goat


Seems fine. The debtors of defunct for profits should be first on the list.


Lololololol Louis DeJoy was an honored guest at the throat goat stamp ceremony

Hes still in charge btw



Ponied but so pissed off idk

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Pretty much but not exactly… it can swiftly take action on bailouts, Patriot Act, wars, tariffs, drug laws, arms deals…

Government works. It just doesn’t work for you.

That’s the real message most Americans need to understand.

Waaaaaaaat how is this possibro without totes support from teh Congressbros?!?!?

Stupid fucking fossil

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Stroke of a pen for Corinthian students

Shotgun in the mouth for the rest of us

Go fuck your self


Gotta to hand it to Joe and the Dems they really can nail these names time after time!

I’d snapcall them over this shit show.

There was a point in time where I would have considered BTS as the joint acting Co-Presidents of the United States a plot to an Idiocracy sequel and not something I would ever be actively rooting for, but it seems like centuries ago.

Who can we primary this god damn skeleton with? Is there anyone left?

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No. Even Alan Colmes, who was only slightly less of a TV prop punching bag pushover than this ice-cream-eating sonofabitch, died in 2017.

It is completely hopeless. I keep resolving to stop paying attention and enjoy my family because we are truly passengers on a plane autopiloting into a mountain.

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Can’t you just GTFO?

Wife is having a hard time with the idea of leaving the US, but I’m wearing her down. I’m probably a couple of years away. Need to work fast, otherwise the kids are going to start having (stronger) opinions.

I’ve done a fair amount of research on this. I think there will be time to get out before the shit really hits the fan. Where to go is a really hard question. Main issue for us is the kids and how it would influence their lives. We have resources but not multi generational fuck you money. I think most people drastically underestimate how bad it’s going to get and how fast it will happen.