The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I used to be strongly in the “best of two bads” camp but at some point both are so bad you can’t morally support either even when one is objectively better.

It’s hard to make a claim that either will do anything good for America.

The gop going full insane has been really bad for dems because it’s totally exposed they are 100% in on the fix. When it gets this bad and the dems still do nothing the only conclusion you can draw is they want the same things.

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It’s easy to claim the Democrats will do good things because they have a long history of doing good things.

Way too partisan m8

Look across your border and make that claim. The dems are hands down the worst “progressive” party globally and it’s not close.

Anywhere else on earth and they are the right wing party.

Wiping out existing student loans needs to be a part of a bigger plan going forward on universal higher education. I assume that these debts aren’t entirely tied to tuition and also include living expenses like housing?

You need to:

  1. Figure out a way to stop tuition from rising exponentially
  2. Not create a system where “everything is free” so costs no longer matter because everyone rightfully assumes that the government is going to eventually pay for those debts.

Why would I want roommates or go a less fancy school? Might as well get the best housing and best experience that money can buy.

Yeah I am a broken record on this but if going to college improved the career prospects of students to the extent that the debt was worth it, then forgiving college debt is a regressive handout to people who are already wealthier than the norm. If it didn’t, then college tuition is a scam which the government should also not be paying for. I could see forgiving college debt as part of an acknowledgement that the system is broken and needs a major overhaul, but as far as I’m aware no such overhaul is being proposed by the people most enthusiastic about debt forgiveness.

The Democrats are now the party of the educated rather than a left-wing party and what we have here is straightforward servicing of the economic interests of the educated class being disguised as leftism.


Seems like you could just take the increase through income taxation instead of having 18 year olds make a guess if it’ll be worth it or not and getting fucked it they’re wrong.

Mostly I see it as a problem of timing. With inflation coming around and the Fed raising interest rates the vibe is to start ratcheting down demand, and forgiving debt is going to look bad. They really should have done this as part of the COVID stuff, basically relieving debt under the guise of stimulus, basically like Republicans talking about tax cuts as one time stimulus.

They need to make the case that , just like tax cuts, loan forgivness will pay for itself.

Since nothing really matters anymore.

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Joe Manchin says the poors gets whats they deserve. Didn’t Joe Biden play a big role in the bankruptcy reform that singles out student debt?

You’d either need to be able to do it through reconciliation or nuke the filibuster for it, but Dems should do it and have 3 or 4 regional campuses for four-year in person classes that are strategically located in states that are swingable.

I could see forgiving college debt as part of an acknowledgement that the system is broken and needs a major overhaul, but as far as I’m aware no such overhaul is being proposed by the people most enthusiastic about debt forgiveness.

What is the rationalization then that student loan debtors are more worthy of financial relief than any other category of people?

What is the rational for why they are LESS worthy of debt relief which is currently the law of the land. Student debt cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. Meanwhile Alex Jones can use it to avoid judgment from Sandy Hook parents.

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Yeah, I think that this is probably the most logical solution to avoiding a huge moral hazard. Fix the existing problems in the system and then let people get out of their loans when they declare bankruptcy or if they had previously declared bankruptcy.

Yeah, but you have institute tuition control measures at the same time or it is just bizarre.

Yeah no problem, just declare bankruptcy.

Isn’t that how you get out of other debts you can’t pay?

forgiving college debt as a step towards universal access to education, which in itself could be to compete with rising tuition costs. it would be a bad idea to forgive loans to the the already affluent, but that’s not who all college graduates are, some of them aren’t really ahead of the curve in terms of saving for retirement or having enough to have a second kid, or do something else that requires such resources.

there’s no way to do 3-4 campuses like that, total number of students is ~3.50m per class. to make a dent, the federal system would have to absorb a huge number of students.

a national network of state colleges already exist. it would be more doable to increase enrollment by an average 10k per state.

It’s not clear that this is a necessary step towards that goal.

I think an early part of the discussion is that all debts aren’t the same. Grouping student debt with all others leads right to the “Biden better pay off my car loan too!” stuff.