The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

The federal government already guarantees the first portion of student loans people take out.

Some people say the fed doing so was the biggest thing that kicked off the tuition increase runaway train

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It’s free money.

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how would y’all feel with a 10k-50k means tested forgiveness combined with making loans interest free or greatly interest reduced?

That way no one is profiting off the fact that people had to go to school, and people still pay the loans.

This does nothing to slow the schools from keeping tuition jacked up



Attaboy Joe, we may have partisan gridlock and be unable to do anything about climate catastrophes and creeping fascism and cops killing people of color and huge wealth inequality and stuff like that but no big deal! Nothing to worry about! We can work it out!

I can’t wait to see the stupid look on his stupid face when he gets impeached. Cannot wait. It’s going to be the one silver lining of the catastrophic midterms. Watching Joe come to terms with his good buddy Mitch McConnell who he thinks is a reasonable and trustworthy dude just fucking raking him across the coals in the dumbest impeachment ever.

It would be too bad if they lied about their vax.


Still that’s a big yikes from me that she used the term “job creator” unironically

Did not see that coming from her

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Their stupid brains are stuck in 1972, nobody GAF

Seems not good:

You don’t say gif

Yup. File this one under

Shit, No

Man, why do I have this really horrible feeling that they are going to count discharged loan amounts as income?

Brags about killing what was supposed to be Biden’s signature legislation while endorsing a Republican and Biden can’t/won’t impose any real consequences on him.


Supposedly they put a provision that it won’t be already.