The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Someone throw in that J Law gif.

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Heā€™s looking at it very hard. Looking at all the ways to do different things to help the young people who just donā€™t like him for some reason but heā€™s looking so hard, oh look at that the ice cream is here! Anywayā€¦ Maybe next year!

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Im not being as pessimistic as you all. Its been all over the news today. He met with some hispanic leaders who told him how important it would be to the latin community, and hes not dumb enough to not realize how important that bloc is.

We might actually see something here, sweet summer child or not

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Man, we bitch all the time here about how the eDems have completely written off trying to win Hispanic voters.

Acceptance of gay marriage gathered steam.

They already announced some additional relief on 4/20.

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He literally strategically ignored that voting bloc in 2020, and there were articles about it with leaks.

man I want it so bad I have to have some hopium

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Right, which is why his meeting with the community leaders today is a really big step. They came out of it seeming very enthused which is enough to make me have some hope.

Yep, but current word is that its gonna move beyond the PSLF stuff.

ā€œprominent Latinos donā€™t see a game plan to marshal Hispanic voters in the fallā€

This part is important. If prominent latinos say they dont see a way to fix things in 2020 and are now saying that student loan forgiveness can go a long way to fixing things, that should be enough to get them to sit up and take notice. The demos are still moving steadily in that direction, and he that controls the majority latino vote will soon control the country. They cant possibly be blind to that

They canā€™t, but Biden could be.

Wapo article makes it seem like thereā€™s no chance I qualify due to income restrictions, but I would have easily qualified in 2017-2020. Fabulous

Well congrats on making lots of money, at least.

well sure but if I time it a year differently I still make the same I do now

Ah, well thatā€™s weird.

I donā€™t think Biden is dumb or blind. That leaves deaf.

But I donā€™t think itā€™s that either. Part of the plan is most probable. Never underestimate the tendency to shaft the powerless. I think he does something here, but only because heā€™s desperate.

I bet 250 will be some kind of cutoff. Midddle class is generqlly consodered between 50 and 250 k


Was just thinking about this today. With more and more prominent Rep congresspeople coming out against it today, its pretty close to a done deal at this point. They would only be shouting it from the rooftops if they could try to use the act against the dems after it happens.