The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

I believe it’s possible.

But how much did they lose?


Yep. I am a broken record on this, but the GOP is going to become a national-populist party like the National Rally, while the Dems become a globalist, neoliberal, meritocratic party who serve the educated class. I say “become” but that’s actually just what the Dems are already. The glue to hold the Dem coalition together is mostly wokeism - that is, that being a leftist means holding the correct social views more than it means actually using the government to improve the material conditions of the poor (which we totally keep meaning to do, but, gosh darn it, somehow nothing actually ever gets done). We are even starting to blow past wokeism as a proxy for education and into explicit rejection of the uneducated rabble: In This House We Believe In Science and all that shit.

This is just not true at all. The Dems fucked it up, of course, politically, but the child tax credit was enormously successful policy that helped tens of millions of poor people.

Look, I do it all the time, it’s easy to shit on them for a million reasons. They’re absolutely owned by corporate America and a complete fucking disgrace, but they do actually do shit for poor people. Just not nearly enough.

This is why their being so out of touch is such a problem. When they do something that is good but woefully inadequate, they walk out to announce it and get booed off the stage because it’s woefully inadequate. Then they erroneously conclude that being “progressive” is bad.

Hey fuckwad how about some humility since everyone with a god damn pulse tried to tell you this and you condescendingly smirked at them while insisting Mitch would be nice to you because of boomer broship. Fuck off


I think this is more evidence Biden is plenty sharp and knows the score. Whether he will say or do anything about it is a different question.

Bean Station has a population under 3K

My father’s Republican party elected Newt Gingrich to the Speaker


He’ll be trying to be bipartisan again later this year, no doubt.

Let’s play a game, imagine democrats did what republicans did on 1/6

The Dem president gets impeached like 432-3 and convicted like 98-0 with a couple abstentions or something.

The Dem versions of Giuliani and Mo Brooks are censured by Congress, resign in disgrace, and are almost immediately investigated and charged within a couple months.

The Dem versions of MTG, Hawley, etc, are censured by Congress, pressured to resign, get smoked in primaries, and no corporations donate shit to them ever again. They’re all investigated and if there’s a smidge of proof they had advance knowledge or did anything to help, so much as cracking a door open or waving someone in, they get charged.

Every single Democrat who spoke to the president within a month of 1/6 on either side gets hauled in front of Congress and forced to testify in public hearings during prime time.

“This ain’t your father’s Republican party” You mean the guy who’s almost 10 years younger than you? What time frame are we talking about Jack


Seriously fuck the Democratic Party so hard what a bunch of corrupt fucking losers

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Would be impossible. It gets nipped in the bud if it gets even 1% as violent.

Cops would start mowing down protesters to the tune of dozens if not hundreds of dead bodies.


This is a good point, if a bunch of non-white people tried to storm the Capitol when it was empty they’d be mowed down. Let alone if Congress was in session and the VP was in there.

I really thought that would be a red line that would hold up against the MAGA crowd, I was like, “Wait, they’re trying to storm the Capitol, where are the good guys with guns???” The fact that Ashley with an I was the only one who got shot is insane, and yet they somehow hold her up as some kind of fucking martyr instead of the personification of fuck around and fuck around and fuck around and fuck around and fuck around some more and finally find out.

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My girlfriend just got back from the grocery store, she said she had to go to three stores to find chicken and the prices for everything else are still going up. Not a great sign for Biden/Dems in the midterms if this continues much longer, and it’s not like there’s much they can do to stop the bird flu.

What if they stopped testing for it though?


I mean we could all just agree to get it and get herd immunity to it! If it’s what you say, I love it!