The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

They really wanted to, but Republicans didn’t like it. Alas.

Reaching across the aisle


I’m pretty sure there is nothing Joe Biden can do to get that bill passed with free community college as part of it.

at this point you can only get a few pieces of BBB at best with this inflation. Gotta choose.
Most of CC is already on the internet for free somewhere anyway. Just point people to that instead.

TG. We are saved. :\


Here are my two main problems with Biden:

  1. He is a liar. Like a straight up look into your eyes and lie knowing he’s lying liar.

  2. He’s not even trying to accomplish anything meaningful. Basically all good policy he is “for” is just stuff he said he was for to get the nomination, but he’s actually a 1990s moderate Republican. “Nothing will fundamentally change,” says the guy who brought you Clarence Thomas, the Iraq War and 30% credit card rates.

I’m out. My state is not competitive so whatever. I also am done donating and volunteering. I’ll vote in primaries.


Fuck this guy

That is truly fucking hopeless!

Joe Biden is Neville Chamberlain.

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I’m just going to assume John IV is as annoying as Meghan until proven otherwise. I wish McCain had never come back from Vietnam.

You know straight away when they’re called Me McMe, Me McMe II, MeMcMe III, MeMcMe IV … etc

So, just like Trump? Or is Trump a different kind of liar?

The true believers were all in on Cruz at one point too, until Trump made him his Reek.

Any chance we can send some of our lawyers over there, too?

Biden believes in objective truth but will lie. Trump believes the truth is whatever he says it is.

Then Trump really isn’t lying at all.


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That’s his defense for his insurrection trial.

(For those not paying attention, the funny line is “insurrection trial”)


At a historically black school on Black History Month while the second gentleman was commemorating it.


Can’t believe Biden is selling out the US Naval Academy Board of Visitors! I know what that is and it’s definitely important.

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