The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

can’t wait for that fox guy to whine all week about getting name called by the president and how horrible that is


a perfect phone call! why not release it?

Might have just won my vote back


I apologize for your mother giving birth to you



I mean, I’m not sure about the people who started it wanting zero police. Some do, some probably just want strong reform. But I’m with you on it being a terrible slogan. I said that on here the first night it was used and got dragged for it. Here’s me saying that somewhere around that time and predicting Biden calling for more police funding.

Nah they’re going to run the clip of him saying, “Inflation is an asset,” in like every ad this fall and maybe again in 2024. Watch out for the Tax and Spend Inflation Democrats!

They’ll cut out the question and paint Biden as the senile fool their base thinks he is. They’ll get a little mileage out of him being unpresidential, too.

Then they’ll make fun of him for apologizing like a weak punk.

Joe turning what was a small win into a lookatmethebetacuckloser moment.

Shoulda doubled down on the truth.

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Both of Ralph’s phone call scenes (the Prank call as well) are two of my all time favourite Sopranos scenes.

As I start my day, I’d note that the “liberal” channel offers up former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough. The “liberal” newspaper offers up David Brooks, Ross Douche Hat and Bret Stephens. “Liberals” are not diseased-brained by accident.

Can’t apologize here, c’mon man. Maybe say you’re sorry for using b-word and follow with “What I meant was, ‘Doocy? More like Douche-y.’”


“I owe the American people an apology for calling Peter Doocy a stupid son of a bitch yesterday. That kind of language is not befitting the office of the President, and I’m sorry that it was picked up on a microphone. But if you heard his question and were offended by my remark, then you’re a stupid son of a bitch too. Ahh, damn, I did it again. Sorry!”


“I forgive Peter Doocy for being a stupid son of a bitch, he must have had it rough being tormented throughout his most formative years. I’m sure with a name so close to douchey he’s suffering the effects of PTSD and his inane outbursts are just the manifestations of a tortured soul. Doesn’t help that he has the intelligence of rotting vegetables, but that’s not his fault. I should show more patience with the emotionally challenged.”


It seems like something they staged to seem like a hot-mic slip to show how “real” uncle Joe is or whatever. Who’s dumber, this reporter asking a standard vapid modern media dumb political question or Biden thinking Republicans would work with him after being VP under Obama?

Biden did work with Republicans successfully for decades when they were working together on helping corporations. So I can see where he’s coming from. And all of his political beliefs and instincts were developed before the internet even existed. It would actually be a miracle if he was remotely in touch with the average person now, including the run of the mill polarized political beliefs that are commonly held.

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After seeing first hand what they did to Obama for 8 straight years he’s either flat out stupid or has an incredible sense of hubris to think they wouldn’t try to obstruct his agenda

I dunno, I think Republican obstructionism is not really a problem this Congress. We actually got Republican support for the infra bill and it’s possible that there will be bipartisan election reform.

The proximate cause of the administration’s apparent legislative failures is not the antimajoritian arrangements in the Senate, it’s that the administration keeps pushing legislation that is opposed by the majority of senators.

I got an email from the DCCC asking me to take a poll on whether Biden should fire DeJoy. Lol

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