The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

ah yes this will stop the GOP from saying biden wants to defund the police


Seems bad.

Sadly, the eRubes will vote for Joe Biden IF Trump is running. At least in my eRight leaning Philly burb.

Joe Biden is a Republican for pushing police funding, a mainstream Democrat position?


As for the airstrike in Hodeida that apparently took Yemen entirely offline, NetBlocks said the internet disruption began around 1 a.m. local and affected TeleYemen, the state-owned monopoly that controls internet access in the country. TeleYemen is now run by the Houthis who have held Yemen’s capital, Sanaa, since late 2014.

Over 12 hours later, the internet remained down. The Norwegian Refugee Council decried the strike as “a blatant attack on civilian infrastructure that will also impact our aid delivery.”

Save the Children said the airstrike in Hodeida killed at least three children playing on a soccer field.

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Biden meeting with a bunch of EU prime ministers and NATO people today without any Ukrainians

Seems like a signal that they are absolutely not going to the mat for these guys

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He should offer the Ukrainians the backing of the US military in exchange for dirt on Ivanka. QUID PRO QUO!



and he should record the call with zelensky while saying multiple times into the recording “NO QUID PRO QUO! i want NO QUID PRO QUO!” then obviously he should leak the tape.

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Biden Vows That If Russia Invades Ukraine, U.S. Will Invade One Country Of Equivalent Value

Based on a quick search of nominal GDP, looks like we’re going to:


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John Bolton is secretly being courted for Secretary of Defense as we speak.


LOL is this real?

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in politics if you’re explaining you’re losing

the slogan was exactly what the people started it want, no $ for police at all

and R’s astutely snap attached to democrats

Even when people would agree with the point that $ for some things they do is better served for other things; it doesn’t matter if the slogan is bad and that one people didn’t like.

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Biden never ran on defunding police, so, have a hard time getting offended at this.

LOL if he’s gonna suck the least he can do is let it rip like this, I assumed it was a hot mic but nope, just right from the lectern.

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R’s pumped it into people’s heads all democrats agree with that, there’s a lot of people who think it anyway (not just hardcore R voters who it doesn’t matter what they think)