The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

My goddamn tax prep accountant fucked up last year and filed my wife and I jointly, when he had specifically suggested to me in person we file married filing separately, and that it would save us thousands and make us eligible for child tax credits when we wouldn’t otherwise. So we submitted an amended return in like March of 2021. It still hasn’t been processed. And the amended state return can’t/won’t be processed until the federal is processed. So they get to keep my money until God knows when and we haven’t gotten any child tax credits, and who the fuck knows when or if we ever will.

They were still processing 2019 manual returns last I saw. It is a bad situation.

I love the super out of touch suggestions too like most people can afford kick boxing classes or that people being disenfranchised actually have traditional weekends.

Pissed off about voting rights? Some suggestions for dealing with the impeding collapse of our democracy include: shiatsu massage, brunch at the yacht club, meditation retreat, drive the coast in your tesla, etc.


Lol black people in Georgia got you a senate majority and your response to then being disenfranchised while democrats control the entire federal government is “go kickboxing and try harder.” Fuck you.


Last time she said something this stupid, we all got free COVID tests.

Free kickboxing classes and margarita vouchers for all!


It’s Jim Crow ’ o clock somewhere


oh good they’re talking about possibly pearl harboring us first

They have to know that even Biden would respond to that by leveling Moscow with nukes.

Maybe they could work out a compromise where Russia nukes most of the rural south


Some of his fellow legislators pushed back on Fedorov’s comments.


"In Russia today, many are talking calmly and freely about the possibility of a nuclear war between our country and the United States. The [Vladimir] Solovyovs, [Olga] Skabeyevas, [Dmitry] Kiselyovs and their invited guests discuss this on the leading propaganda shows on federal channels, alarmist statements are heard in the State Duma, where Deputy Fedorov has already proposed a nuclear strike on the United States.

"And many of those who watch TV and are not inclined to reflection and analysis really support these statements.

“Why not actually throw a nuclear bomb at America?”, - the whole group of media personalities calling for war, leads to the idea…

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Would he get 60 votes in the Senate for a Declaration of War against Russia? Or would the Republicans send a codel to negotiate an alliance with Putin wherein he only nukes liberal cities and they promise to dissolve NATO when they take over?

I can’t decide if that’s a joke or not, like I’m genuinely not sure.

would be all up to mitch on that one

god damnit

I believe the president has total authority with nukes. Does war have to be declared?

I doubt it for a counterattack.

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No he can just do it in that situation because of the immediacy. After some amount of time, I think two weeks, he needs an AUMF. Unless he can sneak them under the War on Terror… Which shouldn’t be hard if they nuke Nevada.

Of course all of this is irrelevant. If this lunatic legislator got to push the button, what would happen in a matter of minutes is:

  1. Russia launches one nuke at some facility in Nevada.

  2. We launch thousands of nukes at Russian nuclear weapons facilities.

  3. Russia launches thousands of nukes at US population centers and weapons facilities.

  4. We and our allies launch thousands of nukes at Russian population centers.

  5. Russia launches hundreds of nukes at our allies.

  6. Some get intercepted.

  7. CNN’s ratings reach an all time high.

  8. Net carbon emissions go to zero permanently.


Oh and somewhere between 7 and 8, TSLA goes to like $100,000 a share.


While commenting live today during a chess tournament, Russian grandmaster Peter Svidler said that the nuking comments probably weren’t a joke, because “those people [in the Duma] don’t know how to joke.”

He mostly rolled his eyes, much like we do at MTG.


lol i often misread MTG as magic the gathering but this time when you prefaced it with russians playing chess i REALLY thought you meant magic the gathering


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