The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Not a problem, she’s going to be president after 2024!

  1. Piss off your entire party

  2. ???

  3. Run for president and win your party’s primary

What did Biden say?

Without checking, probably along the lines of the Unstuck arguments in favor of the voting bill: the Republicans are trying to steal elections.

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Fuck Romney.

It’s too bad that heroic cop turned him around.



First the coward runs away in Afghanistan, now he won’t nuke Russia.

Han shot first!

He answered a question yesterday about as awkwardly as possible:

On Wednesday, Biden was asked whether the failure of voting rights legislation in Congress would render this year’s elections illegitimate.

“Well, it all depends on whether or not we’re able to make the case to the American people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election,” Biden said.

He added later: “I’m not saying it’s going to be legit, as the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is a direct proportion to us not being able to get these reforms passed.”

And Jen’s been trying to clean it up all day.

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I ain’t gonna find it but some R went how dare the president say something like that to delegitimize the election and I could only think of punching people in the face for 10 minutes.

some R? like every one of them

Great idea guys. Continue to make dealing with the IRS unbearable for plebes while taxes are totally optional for the richest people. Fuck off, fuck you.


Luckily if there are issues connecting to help at the IRS should be a seamless and painless process for consumers.

BTW I believe the Ombudsman recently recommended pulling high value agents off of those kind of complex assignments and towards more rudimentary tasks like answering phone calls and basic queries just to avoid total system collapse, so, yeah no audits for the rich for awhile.

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Republicans are obviously full of shit, and if tasked with solving this problem they’d completely botch it and fuck people over, but “file your tax return on a form the size of a post card” was a pretty great-sounding idea from Paul Ryan. Can’t believe we do this tax clusterfuck every year.

1 Like is a fucking nightmare, I had to get an account there to renew either my passport or global entry last year, just total garbage

BTW, for fans of government website dysfunction, if you remember all the problems the obamacare website had at launch, that was almost 100% due to the piece where they had to contact the IRS system for income verification etc. Everything else about the website worked pretty much fine from day 1.


I had to sign up for a few days ago and it took like 2 hours, had to do a virtual selfie (lol?) that didn’t work the first two times, etc.

Oh, and the IRS still hasn’t told me why I don’t have my refund over six months later. So even once I did it I couldn’t access any relevant or helpful info.

1 Like is the absolute worst. It’s very, very bad. The purpose is to deny benefits to regular people. It makes endless absurd assumptions. It makes the worst DMV seem like a relaxing vacation.

Can I buy its stock?