The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

we are doomed

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Lincoln project only gets to continue to grift if Trump is or might be running.


Fuck those guys. Jesus why is this still a thing.

Why is the US still a thing? Come. Join us.

Are you taking applications? If you want to annex New England, I’d be okay with that.

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Apparently there was a pretty big immigration from Quebec to New England to work in the textile factories. The America first movement was concerned they and the papacy were trying to create a new country consisting of Quebec and the New England states.

It’s not exactly unreasonable to be scared that the Quebecers might try to start their own country. That’s their big dream!

Good news, everyone


That was a close one, I was starting to worry that the 2024 Dem nominee wouldn’t be an octogenarian.


Seeing the way things are going I’m not sure Biden winning was a good thing. It might have been better for Trump to win and hope it all collapsed by 2024.

Nothing could be worse than whats coming.

Is there a set of stairs to the left?


Can socialist biden even get any further to the left? The most progressive president in history not good enough for you?




are you pushing biden left from the right, or pulling biden left from the left?

I think every year of near-fascism if preferable to actual fascism, but yeah this is not going great. I guess the one sliver of hope is that more and more people will clue in that the Third Way doesn’t work when their lives get measurably worse between 2020 and 2024 and then the Nazis win the election. It may be too late, but if Donnie Dumb Dumb had won in 2020 we would be in the middle of the Doin’ All The Fascism and we’d be hearing about how it’s all because we didn’t give Joe Biden a chance.

Lol at your optimism. It’ll always be that the dirty leftists didn’t compromise hard enough. Hillary losing to trump was the sandy hook of centrism. If that didn’t change anything nothing will.


Indeed. But at least there is an actual track record of Biden failure we can point to. If he had lost, we wouldn’t even have that.

Make America Build Back Better Again.

He might start with a prime-time speech that makes a bright-line distinction: that the teaching of Black history, especially the brutal legacies of slavery, is absolutely essential in our country now, but that critical race theory is to be deplored as a simplistic attempt to filter all American history through a racial lens.

This is the Republican line. Republicans almost always emphasize that they want to teach about slavery. The real division is that Republicans want all those horrible legacies to be relegated to history and to teach that they have no impact on the present.

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Only if they move the White House to coastal California.

On the water.