The Presidency of the Joes, part II: lol documents

Its the same thing with those that were on alternative payment plans. There are going to be MILLIONS of people who are going to assume they are still on the same payment plan they were on when the pandemic hit, only to be hit with a standard repayment plan payment (likely hundreds of dollars more than they are expecting.)

The amount of first month defaults is going to be off the charts

If I was president I’d make my vp go through this whole temporary transfer of power ceremony every time I take a nap or go to bed at night


Also this

Finally, guess the author

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The only Democrat to vote against BBB. I have a lot of disagreements with him, but he’s making a lot of sense here.


What kind of psycho places the interest of his constituents ahead of the interests of the Party?

If a damn Blue Dog from a district that was Trump+7 in 2020 can point this out, then what the fuck everyone else?


guy is really gunning for manchin’s vorp record


Wtf progressives. Jfc. Think they basically done fighting the machine

I assume the plan is for the Senate to means test the SALT thing.

LOL. Boomer gonna boomer

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Emmett Till’s family, among countless others, would like a word.

it was surprising to see that headline. but still

Presidents are judged by history, not the distraction and exhaustion of the moment. Did the person in the Oval Office address the core problem of the moment? The Biden administration passes that test. Sure, there have been failures — the shameful Afghanistan withdrawal, failing to renounce the excesses of the cultural left. But this administration will be judged by whether it reduced inequality, spread opportunity, created the material basis for greater national unity.

lol FU.


Lol, he’s not even a Boomer. That’s how fucking old he is.


So, also failing?

i guess i prefer he stayed out of it, but otoh he had to say something, and this is standard fare for separation between different branches of government. in other words, trmp would have made this a complete dumpsterfire if he still had his tweitter

those are “excesses of the cultural left” brah. we’ll be judged by how stubbornly we renounced them apparently.

Yeah but this is a major failing of the entire establishment Dems. They do not act with (or even speak with!) an urgency proportional to the problems. The US has MASSIVE problems needing URGENT attention. This is not the time for platitudes and assurances to just be patient and trust the process. But that’s what the eDems are offering. Even when they assert that they are making big bold moves like the infrastructure bill, its like 10% of what is actually needed.

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Just be patient and trust the process. Realizing how thoroughly infected with Social Media Brain™ the alarmists are would be helpful too.

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This horrible advice is why the Dem party has less than one year of relevance left.

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